How much money can I withdraw in a day?

by time news

2023-07-29 08:30:00

More and more Spaniards have set aside cash and have replaced it with card payment or virtual payment apps, for example bizum. This change can be noticed especially in the youngest, although this does not mean that there are still no users who visit the ATMs.

Fight tax fraud

Haciendawith the intention of avoiding tax fraud, imposes a limit, which cannot be exceeded, of the money that a person can withdraw from the ATM per day. Although there is no fixed limit for banking entities, since each one sets its own limit, the figure is usually around 600 euros, but can be modified by the user. Although it will only be possible if this change is found between what is established by law.

A maximum of 3,000 euros

At present, the Tax agency allows them to withdraw, at most, 3,000 euros from an ATM without justification, and in the event that a higher amount is required, a receipt from the bank office will be needed, which will notify the movement both to the Bank of Spain as to the Tax Agency.

The same happens if the movement is reversed. Although having cash is not illegal, it is very likely that the Treasury alarms will go off if a deposit of more than 3,000 euros is made to a bank account. all of it irrespective of whether it is a one-off or periodical entry. The same would happen if these operations included banknotes 500 euros (very rare), even if the amount was less than 3,000.

Even so, from 1,000 euros the corresponding bank can request both proof of the operation to be carried out and the identification of the user.

Regarding the specific question of how much money can be withdrawn from an ATM, the answer must be given by each bank, although the most common is a limit of 600 euros.

Once it is known how much money can be withdrawn from an ATM, certain operating guidelines of these machines and cash. We begin by telling you that the limit is daily: it is renewed every day at 00:00 hours. This does not mean that the client has to wait 24 hours to make the next withdrawal, as it is only necessary for the system to change the date.

Define the provenance

According to the article 39 of Law 35/2006, which regulates personal income tax all property or rights not related to the income or assets declared by the taxpayer will be considered as unjustified equity gains.

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It is very important to prove its origin, since, in this way, the Treasury ensures that no type of tax fraud is being committed, such as money laundering.

These types of inspections they are not frequent in individualsunless a very high income or withdrawal of money is detected.

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