They will regulate the wiring of the poles

by time news

2023-07-27 17:30:45

This is not an exclusive problem of Riobamba, but of all the cities of the country.

In Riobamba, especially in the center, the black cables that hang from the power line poles, and that are grouped in a large number, are those that correspond to companies that provide telecommunications services, be they: telephone, Internet or television by cable. Now these companies must register and sign a lease for the use of the poles of the Riobamba Electric Company SA (EERSA), it was known, apparently, they will regulate the wiring of the poles.

Sepal. This is not a particular action, rather it is a provision of the Ministry of Energy, which is carried out throughout Ecuador and which is now also carried out in the city. According to the manager of EERSA, Patricio Lalama, before there were no such difficulties, and the cause would be the increase in companies that provide the aforementioned services.

Situation. This is not an exclusive problem of Riobamba, but of all the cities of the country. Of the companies that have the permits, 39 out of 50 companies have already complied with this process, which has the objective of improving aesthetic issues and a technical level, because the excess of cables is not only a matter of visual contamination, there is also affectations at a technical level, explained the electrical manager.

Exhibition. Too much physical load that can cause problems in the poles, and for that reason the obligation of the company is to technically identify them with a geographic information system, and thus regulate them. In addition, with the data they obtain, they will know if the excess of cables on a single pole creates difficulties, because they will know their weight and thickness and they will know how to act technically. Also, to know if they would need to be relocated so that they do not create problems.

Inconvenience. Faced with these cables, which are often broken and fallen on the sidewalks and in the streets, the public is afraid, since they think it could cause them harm, but they are harmless. Those that provide electricity are located at the top of the polesA

#regulate #wiring #poles

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