“A penknife shot at the official discourse on popular Games”

by time news

2023-07-29 07:00:05

You can make the polls say anything, you just have to know how to make the numbers speak. As in these two opinion polls on the Paris 2024 Games, published on Monday July 21, whose interpretations differ. Admittedly, the questions asked are not quite the same, but according to Harris Interactive, 72% of French people say they are in favor of organizing the Games when, at the same time, they are only 59% in the survey. ‘Odoxa.

Nothing dramatic. Support is generally increasing as the event approaches, it may be objected. There, there is nothing. The two studies show the erosion of French support for the Olympic project, by 12 points since July 2020 for the first, commissioned by the Paris 2024 Organizing Committee (Cojop), by 17 points for two years – and even a fall of 10 points in the last four months – for the second, achieved for Winamax and RTL.

One year before the opening ceremony on the Seine, which also does not transport the French (only 56% want it to be maintained as it is, according to Odoxa), the two surveys are a serious blow to the official speech. organizers, who claim that the Games will be “popular”. The trend observed leans more towards mistrust. The controversies over ticketing are still on everyone’s mind and testify, at the very least, to a communication error.

If we should not give too much importance to the polls, the Odoxa study nevertheless reminds us that these Games always arouse tensions, if not fears among the French. Only a third of them believe Tony Estanguet and his teams capable of sticking to their budget. In terms of safety and transport, they are 63% and 64% to be worried.

Transport, the black point

Let’s do justice to the old ceist. With the signature of LVMH as a partner and a large check at stake, Paris 2024 should no longer have difficulty making ends meet, 80% of whose receipts would be “secure”, according to the Elysee. The Cojop will just have to make sure, in the home stretch, not to slip up in its expenses. The Court of Auditors reminded him of this again in July.

Safety issue, if vigilance remains in order, the time is not for psychosis. The lessons of the fiasco of the organization of the Champions League final at the Stade de France in 2022 have been learned, we promise at the highest level of the State. To do otherwise would be irresponsible. Nearly 45,000 security forces will be mobilized for the opening ceremony, resources commensurate with the challenge posed. And if private agents are missing, the army will come to the rescue. Like in London in 2012. “Whatever it Takes”can always say Paris 2024, the security bill will in any case not be established before the end of 2025 by the financial magistrates.

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