EU Commission wants to classify gas and nuclear power as green

by time news

Band Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) rejects the EU Commission’s plan to classify energy generation from nuclear power plants as sustainable. “I think it is absolutely wrong that the European Commission intends to include nuclear power in the EU taxonomy for sustainable economic activities,” Lemke told the newspapers of the Funke media group. A form of energy that could lead to “devastating environmental disasters” and leave behind large amounts of dangerous, highly radioactive waste “cannot be sustainable”.

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) also expressed his disapproval of the EU Commission’s plans. “The proposals of the EU Commission dilute the good label for sustainability,” said Habeck of the German press agency. “From our point of view, it would not have needed this addition to the taxonomy rules. We do not see any approval of the new proposals of the EU Commission, ”said the Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

Habeck complained that labeling nuclear energy as sustainable was “wrong with this high-risk technology”. This obscures the view of the long-term effects of nuclear waste on people and the environment. Hard security criteria are also not provided. “That is more than questionable,” said Habeck. “In any case, it is questionable whether this greenwashing will even find acceptance on the financial market.” The Federal Government will evaluate the Commission’s draft for its effects.

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The plans are also met with determined opposition from the government in Austria. “The EU Commission took a step towards greenwashing nuclear power and fossil gas yesterday in a night and fog action,” criticized the Austrian climate protection minister Leonore Gewessler on Saturday in Vienna. The Green politician threatened to file a lawsuit if the two energy sources were to be included in the so-called taxonomy of the EU.


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