South Africa: funeral service for Archbishop Desmond Tutu with pine coffin and white carnations – politics abroad

by time news

Cape Town – Before his death, he planned the ceremony down to the last detail: In South Africa, numerous people have said goodbye to the deceased former archbishop and anti-apartheid fighter Desmond Tutu.

Friends, family and clergy gathered in the Anglican Cathedral in Cape Town to bid farewell to the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.


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According to his foundation, Tutu left specific wishes for his funeral and therefore did not want an expensive celebration. So his coffin should be the cheapest version. In addition, no speeches should be givenFoto: SHELLEY CHRISTIANS JORDAAN/REUTERS

Tutu war vor rund einer Woche im Alter von 90 Jahren gestorben. Sein Leichnam war in den vergangenen zwei Tagen in Kapstadt aufgebahrt worden, damit seine Anhänger Abschied nehmen konntenFoto: SHELLEY CHRISTIANS JORDAAN/REUTERS

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Tutu died about a week ago at the age of 90. His body had been laid out in Cape Town for the past two days so that his followers could say goodbyeFoto: SHELLEY CHRISTIANS JORDAAN/REUTERS

Entsprechend Tutus Wunsch nach einer einfachen Beisetzung: schlichter Kiefernsarg mit einfachen Seilstücken statt GoldgriffenPhoto: Nic Bothma/AP

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Corresponding to Tutu’s wish for a simple burial: a simple pine coffin with simple pieces of rope instead of gold handlesPhoto: Nic Bothma/AP

Tutu was the first black to head the Anglican Church in southern Africa. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his opposition to the apartheid regime, but was also considered a controversial supporter of anti-Semitic movements.

After his retirement as Archbishop Tutu became chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission founded to come to terms with the crimes of apartheid. In the past few years, the Nobel laureate, who had prostate cancer, largely withdrew from the public eye.


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