Publishers in Mongolia should not have to face a criminal case

by time news

2023-07-26 08:34:00
The editor of Mongolia magazine Dario Adanti. Mongolian source.

Before the beginning today of the statements of the case in which the two editors of the Mongolia magazine are accusedDarío Adanti and Pere Rusiñol, in a court in Barcelona for the crime of “offenses against religious feelings”, Amnesty International regrets that they are facing this case and calls for the urgent modification of the articles of the Penal Code that violate freedom of expression and that contravene international human rights standards .

“We hope that this complaint does not have a further judicial route. The protection of abstract concepts or religious beliefs is not an admissible reason to restrict freedom of expression. The crime of offense against religious sentiments must disappear from once ofPenal Code so that situations such as the one faced today by publishers in Mongolia are not repeated”, said Virginia Álvarez, spokesperson for Amnesty International Spain.

The lawsuit against the editors of Mongolia magazine was filed by the Manos Limpias association for the cover of its publication last December. As in the recent case of the scriptwriters of a programama de TV3, Amnesty International considers that the fact that a publication may displease a part of the population does not make it a crime and points out that different international organizations such as the Council of Europe have called for the decriminalization of the crime of blasphemy.

The organization points out that it is true that the right to freedom of expression is not unlimited, but recalls that the United Nations Human Rights Committee united has reiterated that freedom of opinion and expression constitute the cornerstone of free and democratic societies, therefore the prohibition of disrespect towards a religion or any other belief system is incompatible with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

#Publishers #Mongolia #face #criminal #case

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