IMSS announces historic investment in hospital infrastructure

by time news

2023-07-31 19:00:36

According to the Director of Finance of the IMSS, never before had such a large figure been allocated for the hospital infrastructure.
The figure will be to guarantee the construction and equipment of nine hospitals, the completion of four Family Medicine Units, a Mixing Center and a Service Center, among other works.
By 2024, it is expected to open 7,047 new positions, of which 91% will be for health personnel.

The health field faces severe deficiencies that have their origin in financial deficiency. To end this problem today the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) announced a historic investment in hospital infrastructure. The objective is not only to build new hospitals but also to reinforce the equipment of existing units.

This news comes after the controversy caused by the constant failures that the elevators of the Institute have had. The critical point occurred at the Regional Hospital No. 18 in Playa del Carmen. An incident that remains under investigation caused the death of the 6-year-old Aitana who was transferred on a stretcher.

2024 will be a historic year for the IMSS

Based on the above, the IMSS Finance Director, Marco Aurelio Ramírez Corzo, said that 2024 will be different. For the first time in history, close to 22 billion pesos will be allocated to guarantee the construction and equipment of nine hospitals, the completion of four Family Medicine Units, a Mixing Center and a Service Center, among other works.

He also reported that this investment, the largest in one year for hospitals, is part of the Draft Budget of the Institute for fiscal year 2024 and was approved by the H. Social Security Technical Council.

He added that priority is given to medical care, recovery and expansion of service levels of care. Also recover damaged facilities, conclude the construction of new hospitals and continue with the annual programs for the replacement and acquisition of medical equipment.

Operational modernization will be addressed through conservation work in medical and non-medical units, replacement and maintenance of electromechanical and medical, as well as financial recovery to maintain a balance between income and expenses.

New positions for medical personnel

Ramírez Corzo reported that in 2024 it is expected to expand 7 thousand 47 places. Of this figure, more than 91 percent will be for health personnel, as well as extraordinary concepts for more than 4 billion pesos for mechanisms that allow the provision of quality health services, such as absenteeism coverage and special programs of occupation.

He stressed that it is privileged to acquire medicines and healing material to have a supply of prescriptions at levels of 99 percent. In addition to having budget support in comprehensive medical services that increase productivity in the recovery of medical care.

The Finance Director indicated that sufficient resources will be allocated to carry out conservation work in medical and non-medical units, and continue with the replacement and maintenance of medical and electromechanical equipment.

He said that it is expected to acquire medical equipment with cutting-edge technology with an investment of close to 3 thousand 500 million pesos, including linear accelerators and radiodiagnostic equipment.

He added that the reserve goal set in 2023 is improved by 7.7 billion pesos, this due to the projection of interest and contributions of close to 4.48 billion pesos to the Financial and Actuarial Reserves, which will contribute to financial sufficiency. in the medium term.

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