assisted suicide or active euthanasia?

by time news

2023-08-01 11:00:00

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CHRONIC. While France is preparing to legislate on the subject of end of life, some countries have chosen between these two possibilities.

By Stéphane Demorand The person who wishes to benefit from assisted suicide must have full capacity for discernment, be of legal age and in view of the near end of life. © Nicholas Orchard/Hans Lucas via AFP Published on 08/01/2023 at 11:00

A citizens’ convention on the end of life made up of 184 members drawn by lot voted on April 2, 2023 for the opening of active assistance in dying in France. Previously, on September 13, 2022, the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) issued an opinion indicating a possible substitute for the legalization of euthanasia.

He then considered it possible to open up a right to assisted suicide according to framed criteria still to be defined. Medical assistance in dying is a concept that covers two radically different gestures, that of assisted suicide, like what is practiced in Switzerland, and that of active euthanasia as it is practiced in Belgium.

This possibility meets with reluctance and could be left to the discretion of the judge in…

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