Project to regulate the carrying and possession of weapons in Colombia

by time news

2023-08-02 01:48:28

The increase in insecurity throughout the national territory gave way to refocusing the discussion on the legal carrying and possession of firearms in Colombia. And it is that to, supposedly, face this situation, the representative to the Chamber Juan Carlos Wills filed in Congress a project to regulate and regulate the carrying of weapons.

The congressman from the Conservative Party explained that the main objective of the project is for citizens to have more flexible rules regarding the possession of pistols, revolvers and other types of firearms, which is why it seeks to completely abolish the decree that prohibits it. , issued in previous governments.

“We presented the bill to regulate the carrying and possession of weapons in Colombia so that this decree that exists, which has been going on for nearly eight years, which makes it impossible for Colombians to carry weapons in Colombia, is lifted,” Wills said.

During the Government of Gustavo Petro, the issue had not been discussed, this would be the first time that there was talk of making the carrying of arms more flexible. Petro, even from his years as a senator, was opposed to initiatives of this type.

However, during the filing of the project, the representative assured that the current president found it impossible to handle the security situation, for which reason he asked for support in the legislature.

“Today, with the situation that the country is experiencing of absolute insecurity and given that the State has not been able to guarantee the security of Colombians, it is a moment for the same Colombians who are in the possibility and with a clear regulation that exists for the delivery of a weapon in Colombia, because they can do it and they can have that right”, said Wills.

However, the Conservative congressman said that this “right” that would be given to citizens will have to be regulated by the National Protection Unit (UNP) and the National Police, entities that will have to control the use and possession of weapons of fire.

Likewise, within the parameters of the controversial project, mention is made of the need for a psychological profile, the profession of the citizens who access these weapons, their commercial and economic activities. According to the congressman, after an exhaustive analysis and study of the person, the possibility of accessing a firearm or not would be evaluated.

Although it is not the first time that the political parties have presented the initiative, it is the first time that this type of initiative has reached Congress. And it is not a minor fact because the Petro Government made official Decree 2633 on January 2, which restricts the carrying of weapons throughout the territory, leaving the carrying and possession exclusively to state forces.

“Colombia is a Social State of Law founded on respect for human dignity and on the prevalence of the general interest, which enshrines, as one of its essential purposes, guaranteeing the effectiveness of the principles, rights and duties of citizens,” it was stated. read in the decree of the Ministry of Justice.

That decision made the ban on the carrying of weapons to civilians firm until December 31 of the current year. But the door is not completely closed because citizens who want to legally access a firearm must undergo an evaluation and competition analysis.

The initiative presented this time by representative Wills will have to overcome four debates in the House and Senate.

#Project #regulate #carrying #possession #weapons #Colombia

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