The PSOE shields itself again in Vox to avoid meeting with Feijóo

by time news

2023-08-02 04:32:39

Pedro Sánchez is determined to revalidate the Presidency of the Government. He considers that the polls dictated it that way despite the fact that he did not win 23J and, for this, he needs to agree with all the pro-independence forces of the parliamentary arc and gather some more support. However, the leader of the PSOE, who once coined the “no is no” against Rajoy, once again slammed the door on the PP, although this time it is led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo and is the main parliamentary force.

To do this, the PSOE once again hides behind Vox, whom they use as a throwing weapon and as justification and “proof” of the impossibility of dialogue with Feijóo after he requested, last Sunday by means of a letter, that a meeting be held between both to talk about the blockade and governance options. If throughout the campaign from the PSOE they have agitated the “fear of Vox” under a supposed return to the “tunnel of time and regression” -a strategy that has worked for them-, now they cling to the fact that the leader of the PP held a meeting face-to-face, with the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and that makes everything impossible, including dialogue.

The acting Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero and one of Sánchez’s most trusted women in the Government and also in the Socialist Party, criticized yesterday, on the one hand, that the PP leader made public the letter he sent to Sánchez to meet this week. In her opinion, she did it in order to “hide” the “secret meeting” that he had had with Santiago Abascal. «That letter that Feijóo addresses – to Sánchez – seems more like a posturing than really a desire for dialogue, since it hides, or at least does not tell, that there were contacts, conversations, in other environments that make any agreement or proposal absolutely incompatible joint” with the PSOE, he indicated in an interview on RTVE. And she added that “it is striking that one of the letters goes to the press and, nevertheless, we do not know what they talked about at the Vox meeting.”

Montero confirmed that, for her part, the Socialists are carrying out contacts to achieve this objective, but she did not reveal with whom or if she is part of the PSOE negotiating team together with the head of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, since she prefers that they develop with “discretion”. “You have to talk to the rest of the parliamentary groups” to “transfer to them the best way to articulate that response that the citizens gave to the offensive that a government with the ultra-right supposed.”

Montero considered that Feijóo made many mistakes during the campaign as part of a “lies” strategy.

Asked then if she rules out a meeting between Sánchez and Feijóo, the socialist leader specified that the PSOE “always” is willing to speak with “everyone”, but asked the popular ones to reflect on the result of the polls, which they made clear, in their opinion, that the majority of Spaniards prefer a government that is not from the Popular Party and Vox.

Montero considers that the PSOE has “the responsibility” to contact the different groups, including Junts, after Sumar entrusted the leader of En Comú Podem, Jaume Asens, with the talks with the pro-independence party. As for Junts demanding a referendum and amnesty, the PSOE deputy general secretary insisted that for her party the “limit” in any negotiation is the “constitutional framework”, although she sees it as logical that the pro-independence parties put their ideas on the table .

#PSOE #shields #Vox #avoid #meeting #Feijóo

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