Sport enemy of fertility if too much or too little, at the top swimming and dancing

by time news

2023-08-02 07:45:43

Too much or too little. Sport can be the enemy of fertility if you overdo it one way or the other. But some sporting activities are more helpful for expectant mothers, such as swimming or dancing, which are recommended before and during pregnancy. This is explained by Daniela Galliano, specialist in gynecology, obstetrics and reproductive medicine, head of the Pma Center in Ivi Rome, who recalls how movement improves women’s general and reproductive health. Physical activity, in fact, optimizes bone mineralization, which contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis and represents an extra protection in view of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It also improves mental health, reduces stress and anxiety, promotes sleep quality and self-esteem. And it is also an advantage during pregnancy.

On the other hand, excessively intense physical activity is counterproductive, which can have as consequences a low level of estrogen or sudden changes in weight which can affect, for example, ovulation cycles and also lead to the disappearance of the menstrual cycle. When the body is subjected to intense activity on a continuous basis, the hormonal capacities of women can be limited, up to the disappearance or alteration of menstruation. When this situation is maintained for a long period of time, it can lead to fertility problems. “Amenorrhea – underlines Galliano – is quite common in women of reproductive age who practice physical activity at a high pace, since there is an imbalance between the calories supplied by the diet and the energy consumed. Therefore, the hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovary are affected. If amenorrhea is maintained for a long period of time it can cause infertility, and therefore problems for the woman to become pregnant naturally”. This type of ailment, in fact, mainly affects women who practice a sport, both at a professional and competitive or amateur level, in which it is necessary to maintain a low body weight, such as dance, athletics and running.

The gynecologist, ‘many athletes decide to vitrify their eggs in order not to lose pregnancy opportunities’

“If high-intensity exercise is not accompanied by a good diet based on proteins, quality fats and carbohydrates – adds Galliano – it can cause hormonal disturbances, since they are key ingredients for the regular maintenance of the hormonal cycle. Low weight , in combination with macronutrient deficiency and high-intensity exercise, contributes to a shortening of the luteal phase (period of time between ovulation and menstruation), impaired hormone secretion and, consequently, a decrease in estrogen levels. situation is reversible if not maintained for a long time”.

Furthermore, the levels of stress to which one submits can negatively affect the psychological attitude and hinder conception. This is why many female athletes make the decision to ‘freeze’ their fertility. “The vitrification of the oocytes, in this sense – remarks the expert – offers these women the possibility of preserving their gametes with the age and quality of the moment in which they are vitrified, which thus remain the necessary time until the athletes complete their professional goals or decide it’s time to fulfill their maternal desire”.

Galliano, ‘for men no to horse riding, cycling, mountaineering, athletics, marathon, diving’

Moderate but constant physical activity, on the other hand, has beneficial effects for the body. The Ministry of Health recommends for expectant mothers at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every week (or 30 minutes for 5 days), starting gradually. However, you need to know how to choose the type of physical activity and adjust the times and intensity, as well as accompany it with a balanced diet. For non-sportswomen, swimming or some aerobic activity, such as walking or dancing, and moderate gymnastics are highly recommended, both before starting assisted reproduction treatment or before becoming pregnant, and during pregnancy. However, practicing pilates or yoga is not recommended immediately after the embryo transfer, as they can exert intra-abdominal pressure.

Finally, for men who want a child, no to horse riding, cycling, mountaineering, athletics, marathon, diving and some activities in the gym. “These sports – highlights Galliano – reduce the blood flow to the genitals by directly compressing the perineal area. Furthermore, often those who practice them, to improve their performance, resort to the use of anabolic steroids, damaging the hormonal balance and the production of testosterone. In addition, the quantity and quality of the seminal fluid are affected”, concludes the expert, recalling that “it is the excesses that create the problems. If you are in good health, you train in a balanced way and has a correct weight, it will be sufficient to spend between 30 and 45 minutes exercising 4 or 5 times a week”.

#Sport #enemy #fertility #top #swimming #dancing

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