MP is triggered by SP to adopt only digital books – 08/02/2023 – Mônica Bergamo

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

State deputy Carlos Giannazi (PSOL) sued the Public Prosecutor’s Office of São Paulo (MP-SP) against the decision of the government of Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans) to end physical books from the 6th year of fundamental in state schools.

The government gave up participating in the National Textbook Program (PNLD), in which textbooks are purchased with funds from the National Education Development Fund of the Ministry of Education (MEC).

In addition, it decided that, from 2024, the São Paulo education network will only have digital didactic content, no longer the printed book, for students from the 6th year onwards.

In the letter, addressed to the attorney general of São Paulo, Mário Sarrubbo, Giannazi says that the decision is “absurd”, “goes against the grain of several studies” and “increases the use of screens in childhood and adolescence (causing many anxiety disorders) and many others due to the excessive use of technology”.

The parliamentarian also points out that it is necessary to consider the lack of structure of the public education network. “There is precarious equipment and inability to access the data network – the chips provided by the state are the subject of frequent complaints from teachers about their low quality”, he continues.

Giannazi claims that, with the measure, the State Department of Education and the Government of SP “intend to reduce and downsize the public educational structure” and asks the MP-SP to take measures.

Education said it will only use content produced by the São Paulo government itself to maintain “pedagogical coherence”.

As shown to Sheet, the Tarcísio management has already made the choice not to participate in the PNLD 2024, which will buy books for fundamental 2 (6th to 9th grade) this semester, to be delivered next year. In addition, he has already informed that he will do the same with secondary education.

AT Sheetthe Secretary of Education stated that it “remains active in the National Book and Didactic Material Program for the distribution of literary books”.

“SP Education has its own didactic material aligned with the state curriculum and used in the 5,300 schools, maintaining pedagogical coherence. For the initial years, digital material with physical support; in the final years and high school, 100% digital material”, he added. , in note.


Actor Miguel Falabella received guests at the premiere of show “Kiss Me, Kate — Kiss of the Shrew” last week, at Teatro Villa Lobos, in São Paulo. Actress Marisa Orth and singer Lucas Lima attended the session.


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