Do you need to pay less monthly on your Infonavit credit? It is possible, check how

by time news

2023-08-03 01:04:13

The main purpose of the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit) is to facilitate access to formal employees of a mortgage credit for the acquisition of a house, apartment or land.

The agency offers several financing options to remodel, buy or rent a property, but despite its competitive and low interest rates, the reality is that not all borrowers can sustain the monthly payment for the entire contract period, due to various factors, such as inflation, unemployment or economic eventualities.

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Long-term financial commitments can become difficult to meet, for this reason, the social security agency assured that there are options that allow dealing with eventualities, such as the Payment Capacity Opinion.

This is a calculation made by Infonavit that evaluates the applicant’s financial situation, especially in cases where income has been reduced. The objective is to adjust the credit monthly payment to avoid late payments and keep the credit current.

The request for the Payment Ability Report is open both for those credits that are denominated in Minimum Wage Times (VSM) and in pesos. This option is available in certain situations, including:

Reduction in income: if the borrower has experienced a decrease in income that prevents him from covering the full monthly payment.

Self-employment: for those who do not have a current formal employment relationship and make payments independently.

Minimum one year of active credit: the applicant must have at least one year of having obtained his Infonavit credit.

Exhaustion of the Payment Protection Fund: In case of having used the six months of the Payment Protection Fund, which is unemployment insurance provided by Infonavit.

The agency specified in a statement that the duration of this benefit is 12 months, during which the borrower may only pay the part of the monthly payment that is possible, while Infonavit will assume the rest of the obligation.

“It is essential that the beneficiary punctually comply with the agreed payments, since otherwise, the support could be withdrawn,” he specified.

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How to access this benefit?

The borrower must go directly to the collection area of ​​the nearest Infonavit branch, and present their Social Security Number (NSS) or credit number, original official identification and a copy and proof of address with a validity of no more than 3 months. in original and copy.

The process can also be carried out through “My Infonavit Account” in the section “Restructuring request”For this reason, the agency asked the beneficiaries to avoid going to third parties that offer this benefit with a fee, since the Ability to Pay Report is a free process.

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