AMLO proposes to create the largest pharmacy in the world

by time news

2023-08-03 02:00:54

Within the current drug shortage, the most affected have been children with cancer.
According to AMLO, the world’s largest pharmacy will be in CDMX and public hospitals that require drugs will be supplied from this space.
This project will be presented to health sector officials in the coming days to get their point of view.

It is not a novelty that the field of health is one of the pending matters of the current government. Despite the constant promises, the reality is that there are still many failures and shortcomings. In particular, the shortage of medicines is constantly denounced. For this reason, as an alternative to solve the problem, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed creating the largest pharmacy in the world.

How was the drug shortage generated?

Before discussing this proposal, it is necessary to analyze the origin of the problem. According to the collective zero shortage, it all started in 2019 when the federal government modified the way in which it acquires inputs. The argument that was given at that time is that there was a monopoly that dominated the international purchases of drugs.

From the above, it has become increasingly evident the Lack of some medications in public hospitals. This is a serious problem because those affected are not only patients but also doctors. Faced with this type of deficiency, they must modify the prescriptions they prescribe to only indicate the existing options within the hospital pharmacies.

Access to health services depends on the person’s employment status and there is a lack of communication between the various levels of care. In fact, according to the 2020 population and housing census, it indicated that a quarter of the population does not have access to medical services.

The most serious situation occurred in the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) when the shortage of oncological drugs for pediatric patients was reported. Given this situation, the mobilizations of the parents of children with cancer were necessary to raise their voices.

“Mexico will have the largest pharmacy in the world”

However, beyond knowing the problem, what is truly important is to achieve an immediate solution. In this regard, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed a new alternative to completely end the drug shortage.

In this sense, with the purpose of ensuring the supply and providing medical units and hospitals in the country when required, he raised the possibility of creating a drug reserve bank.

“Now to give a definitive solution to the shortage, we are going to propose (…) a warehouse with all the medicines. All the medicines in the world in reasonable quantities so that when there is a shortage in a hospital, it can be supplied immediately with this reserve of medicines”.

According to his proposal, the idea is to have all the medicines, even the most specific and difficult to find, to take them to any region from Mexico City. He added that this idea will be proposed to health sector officials in the coming days to get his point of view.

For example, if there is a need in a hospital, the drugs will be transported immediately by air or road to the place where they are required. As a result of all the aforementioned, this warehouse will become the largest pharmacy in the world.

Also read:

List of medicines with shortages in private pharmacies

This is the book that best explains the current drug shortage in Mexico

Drug shortages in Mexico, a delicate and urgent problem

#AMLO #proposes #create #largest #pharmacy #world

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