Two years after the law expanding PMA for all, the government is trying to respond to the explosion of requests

by time news

2023-08-03 06:00:04
In the in vitro fertilization laboratory of the Medical Genetics department of the Nantes University Hospital, January 10, 2023. THOMAS LOUAPRE / DIVERGENCE

Just two years ago, the bioethics law opened access to medically assisted procreation (PMA) for all. Since then, requests from unmarried women and female couples have skyrocketed. Proof that the law promulgated on August 2, 2021 “ corresponded to a real expectation of women”, recalled Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions, during a trip to the Center for the Study and Conservation of Eggs and Human Sperm at the University Hospital of Amiens, Wednesday August 2.

But the bioethics law has also conferred new rights on children from LDCs, in particular access to origins. Since September 1, 2022, donors of gametes (spermatozoa and oocytes) must consent to children resulting from a donation being able, at the age of majority, to request access to their identity as well as to non-identifying data. concerning (age, professional situation, reasons for the donation, etc.) through a dedicated commission, the Access Commission for people born from medically assisted procreation (Capadd). But the date of the final switch to access to origins was not yet known. On Wednesday, the Minister Delegate announced the deadline of March 31, 2025. From this date, only gametes from a donation after September 1, 2022 can be used.

Currently, two stocks of gametes coexist: the first, formed when the lifting of anonymity was not compulsory, contained, at the end of March 2023 according to the biomedicine agency, 89,000 straws (the packaging of sperm samples). The new one, made up between September 1, 2022 and the end of March 2023, 27,000 flakes. However, in order to limit the destruction of anonymous gametes, donation centers continue to allocate these so-called straws from former donors to people treated as part of medically assisted procreation (AMP). And to avoid their destruction by April 2025, Mrs. Firmin Le Bodo announced the launch of a « task force » aimed at organizing the “transfer of spangles from the best-endowed centers to those with fewer stocks”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Zola, the first “PMA for all” baby, was born in the summer of 2022

For Mikaël Agopiantz, coordinator of the assisted reproduction center (AMP) at the CHRU in Nancy, the horizon of 2025 is good news. “It’s a date neither too close nor too distant that will allow the centers to adapt and sell the stockssays the gynecologist. It would be inadmissible to destroy sequins. »

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