The Importance of Checks and Balances in Democracy: An Analysis of the Israeli System by Ben Caspit

by time news

Title: Caspit Lambasts Government’s Attempt to Change Fundamental Laws and Undermine Democracy

Subtitle: Criticizes Lack of Checks and Balances in Israeli Democratic System

Date: August 3, 2023

Renowned journalist and political commentator, Ben Caspit, expressed his anger and concern over the current government’s campaign to change fundamental laws and potentially violate the founding principles and rules of democracy in Israel. In a recent tweet, Caspit voiced his frustration at the absence of a voice explaining the dangers of such actions to the government.

Caspit highlights the importance of the Supreme Court in serving as a check on the potential tyranny of the government and majority in Israel. He compares this to most other democratic countries where a multitude of checks and balances exist, such as constitutions, two houses of parliament, and adherence to international conventions like the BIL Convention.

“No one is there to explain to these three disturbed people,” Caspit laments, referring to the members of the government behind the push for changes, “that it is impossible to change the system of a regime and violate the founding principles and rules of democracy, even under the guise of a ‘fundamental law’.”

Caspit raises a hypothetical scenario to emphasize the gravity of the situation. He asks what would happen if the current coalition were to legislate that Israeli Arabs could only vote in local elections and not for general elections. He argues that while it may seem impossible, the recent events in the country have shown that such drastic changes are not beyond the realm of possibility.

The journalist’s concerns stem from the lack of awareness and discussion surrounding the potential consequences of these actions. He contends that a robust democratic system necessitates a wide range of checks and balances to prevent the infringement of human rights and ensure fair representation for all citizens.

As the government continues its campaign, Caspit urges the public to question the implications of such changes. He emphasizes the need for a comprehensive dialogue that safeguards the democratic principles and values upon which Israel was founded.

In conclusion, Ben Caspit’s strong condemnation sheds light on the government’s attempts to modify fundamental laws and the potential threat to Israel’s democratic system. Highlighting the importance of checks and balances, he calls for a broader discussion and awareness to prevent any erosion of the country’s democratic foundation.

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