General elections: The list of penalties for “troublemakers”

by time news

2023-07-26 12:30:25

DIG/ In a statement read on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, the Attorney General of the Republic at the Libreville court, André-Patrick Roponat reminded troublemakers of the penalties incurred, in a communication that we publish in full. Note that his colleagues from other provinces should follow suit.

“Dear fellow citizens,

In view of the forthcoming holding of presidential, legislative and local elections, and given the incidents that have occurred in certain localities of the country, the Public Prosecutor’s Office wishes to recall that the perpetrators, accomplices and instigators of reprehensible acts expose themselves to legal proceedings and heavy criminal penalties, in particular in the event of:

• Violence and assault, assault and battery (5 to 10 years imprisonment);

• Voluntary bodily harm resulting in death without intention to cause it (15 years of criminal imprisonment);

• Destruction and damage to property (1 to 10 years imprisonment);

• Voluntary arson (20 years’ imprisonment);

• Armed or unarmed mob (1 to 5 years imprisonment);

• Provocation or direct incitement to an unarmed crowd either by speech made publicly, or in writing or printed matter distributed (1 year imprisonment);

• Provocation or propaganda for disobedience to the security and defense forces (2 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 500,000 CFA francs);

• Participation in propaganda with a view to inciting civil disobedience (5 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 5 million CFA francs);

• Dissemination or reproduction of false news or false allegations (5 to 10 years imprisonment);

• Rebellion (2 to 5 years imprisonment and a fine of 20 million CFA francs);

• Contempt against the agents of authority and law enforcement (up to 5 years’ imprisonment);

• Sabotage by destruction, deterioration or misappropriation of any document, material, construction, equipment, installation… when this fact is likely to harm the fundamental interests of the Nation (20 years of criminal imprisonment and 50 million CFA francs fine );

• Attack by the commission of one or more acts of violence likely to jeopardize the institutions of the Republic or undermine the integrity of the national territory (30 years of criminal imprisonment and 50 million fines);

• Attack the aim of which was either to destroy or change the constitutional regime or the government, or to incite the citizens or the inhabitants to arm themselves against the authority of the State (perpetuity and 100 million CFA francs in ‘fine) ;

• Acts or maneuvers likely to compromise public security, to provoke disturbances or demonstrations against the authority of the State, to provoke active or passive resistance to the application of laws and regulations (10 years and 20 million Francs CFA fine).

The Public Prosecutor’s Office specifies that it will be intransigent and firm in the event of the commission of the aforementioned offences.

This is an opportunity to invite all citizens, political actors and members of civil society to show restraint and responsibility for the preservation of social peace and to remind parents responsible for minor children that in the event of offenses committed by the latter, their civil liability will be engaged.

Thank you “.

#General #elections #list #penalties #troublemakers

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