Ferraz rejects that the PSOE enters into a coalition government with the PP in Ceuta

by time news

2023-08-03 15:38:20

The national leadership of the PSOE will not allow the Socialists of Ceuta to form a coalition government with the PP in the autonomous city, as both parties are negotiating in the North African Spanish town, where the last elections once again left the popular with a minority executive.

Sources from Ferraz have assured elDiario.es that the PSOE’s entry into the regional government, where it claims to take over three ministries and several municipal companies, does not have the support of the Federal leadership and that this has already been transmitted to those responsible of the party in Ceuta.

The Ceuta socialists, however, have not interpreted the Organization’s veto as definitive: “From Ferraz they have told the general secretary of the party in Ceuta, Juan Gutiérrez, that this is not the time for agreements or statements in this regard, but for vacations” , have limited themselves to pointing out party sources in the city.

Shortly after, the PSOE of Ceuta has issued a statement in which they now say that there is no room for a pact with the PP: “The Ceuta socialists have amply demonstrated our commitment to dialogue and our commitment to the stability of Ceuta, but now it is not moment of pacts”. The truth is that both parties had started talks and the change of position did not take place until the national leadership has vetoed the possible agreement.

From the Executive of Juan Vivas they have pointed out that they maintain their desire to reach before autumn “the broadest possible governance agreement”, either in the form of a coalition executive, as the PSOE of Ceuta claimed, or with another formula.

The PP was the only nationally established party that improved its 2019 results in the municipal elections on May 28, of which the 25 Assembly deputies came out with nine. The PSOE repeated as the second force with the most votes with one less parliamentarian (6) than the last legislature and Vox also lost another, staying with five. The MDyC localists (who have separated from the Sumar project whose germination they were part of) won three seats, one more, and Ceuta Ya! (partners of the first Podemos) went from one to two.

With the extreme right discarded in advance by Vivas as a possible partner after their ephemeral alliance in 2020, from which he emerged frightened by the “threat” that coexistence in a plural society such as the mackerel understands is implied by the fact that those of Abascal deny Spanishness to the Arab-Muslim half of the local population, the PP opened up not only to repeat specific pacts with the Socialists, as at the end of the previous legislature, or with MDyC and Ceuta Ya!, but also to make room for to any of these formations in its Governing Council.

Given the advance of the general elections, the PP stopped the talks with both parties and managed to get the localists, their first favorite option to join, to be neutral in the 23J campaign, when those of Vivas recovered the three seats of Ceuta in the Cortes Generales that they had lost in 2019 in favor of the PSOE, in April, and Vox, in November.

Although he denies that it was due to the possibility that Sánchez would continue for four more years in La Moncloa or due to pressure from local economic powers so that he did not join with “communists” and “Islamists”, after the generals Vivas resumed contacts to reach an agreement. “great governability agreement” with the socialists as favorite partners and willing to assume their demand not to continue supporting him from outside, but as part of his government.

The PSOE has asked for at least three ministries (those of Neighborhoods, Health and Tourism) and several public companies such as Amgevicesa, with more than 500 workers on the payroll; Travel services; Puerta de África, the one that manages the municipal hotel; and the Mediterranean Maritime Park.

The PP also maintains open negotiations with the MDyC so that it joins the agreement in some way, although the Socialists reject that it take any seat in the Executive. Ceuta Now! It has been discarded because the popular ones understand that their vision of the border with Morocco, where they defend that it is not positive for the city to eliminate the exception that in the Schengen Treaty allowed residents of the neighboring region of Tetouan to enter without a visa until May 2022, disables that party to join any pact.


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#Ferraz #rejects #PSOE #enters #coalition #government #Ceuta

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