The trendy infusion that relieves stress and helps relax before bed

by time news

2023-08-04 03:21:00

>LA NACION>HealthAugust 3, 202322:21

He lavender tea It is one of the latest promises in terms of infusions. A drink that captivates and attracts the attention of gastronomy and people who seek to make changes in habits and lean towards a conscious and healthy lifestyle. To take after eating and improve digestion, to incorporate before going to sleep and fall asleep or, to relax the mind and reduce anxiety. This infusion stomps and threatens to displace, at least for a while, caffeine and theine.

Lavender is a perennial aromatic plant that is scientifically known as Wash her, It measures between 50 centimeters and one meter and is native to the European Mediterranean area and India. However, at present It has a presence on all continents: there are more than 60 species in the world. In Argentina, the largest is lavender. officinalis.

Ramiro Heredia, a specialist in internal medicine at the José de San Martín Hospital de Clínicas (MN 117882), attributes advantageous physical and emotional properties to this plant: “There is talk of benefits on mood, anxiety, depression , stress and insomnia, as well as others related to alleviating pain of all kinds.

Historically, societies made use of this plant to achieve general well-being. Thanks to its multiple properties and relaxing qualities, it was used as a medicine to heal wounds, treat intestinal problems and various pains. Analía Yamaguchi, clinical doctor specializing in Nutrition at the Italian Hospital (MN: 113,614) and author of the book “El Té Gourmet Argentino. Identity and sense of belonging”, he says that in ancient times, for example: “The Greeks, Romans and Egyptians used it when bathing to disinfect their body and hair due to its antiseptic properties”. Over the years and the emergence of alternative therapies, it has been adopted in aromatherapy to help reduce stress, anxiety and improve people’s sleep quality.

Lavender tea is a highly praised infusion among health experts since it “When consumed without any addition such as sugar, it does not provide calories, does not contain fat or carbohydrates and is full of beneficial properties for the body,” comments Lucila Rosso, a graduate in Nutrition (MN: 9757). Its advantages are precisely based on the presence of essential oils, the most prominent, says Soledad Menéndez, Dietetics and Natural Nutrition Advisor, are linalyl acetate and linalool, which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative functions.

Lavender tea is calorie-free, fat- and carbohydrate-free, and packed with beneficial properties for the bodyShutterstock

Thus, one of the main benefits of this drink is that it relieves stress and reduces anxiety. “The properties of the oils and the smell emanating from the cup have an impact on the nervous system: they help to reduce cortisol levels and generate a calm and relaxing effect on the mind and improve mood,” reveals Menéndez. . In this sense, the specialist recommends its consumption to people who suffer from panic attacks and even to those who have trouble falling asleep: “Drinking a cup at night before going to bed promotes the quality of rest because it generates a sedative effect on the body,” describe.

And study published by the National Library of Medicine of the United States (NIH for its acronym in English), entitled “The effect of lavender herbal tea on anxiety and depression in the elderly”, demonstrated through scientific evidence the qualities of this infusion to treat these mental pictures. The investigation was carried out on 60 older adults for two weeks: they were prescribed the consumption of two grams of lavender tea twice a day: in the morning and at night. The results showed that the intake of this The drink was beneficial for lowering levels of depression and anxiety and, thanks to the fact that it is cheap and accessible, the researchers recommended using it as a complement to treatments to reduce said pathologies.

In turn, lavender tea reduces bodily discomfort. “Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, the consumption of this infusion is linked to the relief of conditions and injuries,” describes Rosso. Among the main ones “are those derived from headache, fever and colds, skin irritation or arthritis, abdominal and premenstrual pain,” lists the nutritionist.

The ratio for making lavender tea is one tablespoon of dried dehydrated flowers per liter of waterShutterstock

To redouble the anti-inflammatory effect, Menéndez offers some advice: “Lavender can be combined with lemon balm and boldo leaves.” Those who resort to this alternative should let the infusion rest for eight minutes before consuming it because boldo leaves are thicker and it takes longer for them to release their essential oils.

The fair ratio is half a teaspoon of dried or fresh flowers for 250ml of water: “Place the lavender in a container and add the boiling water. Then it is left to rest for three to five minutes before consuming”, indicates Rosso and comments that you can also add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of honey. In this regard, Yamaguchi suggests not to exceed its consumption because “lavender has essential oils that in quantity can cause gastric problems and headaches.”

This plant is available in health food stores or herbalists and should be stored in airtight jars or ziplocks in warm, dark places and away from drafts “to prevent it from getting damp and to protect it from possible environmental contamination,” says Menéndez. . Also, there is one issue that cannot be overlooked: “It is essential to make sure where it comes from, that it is agroecological, suitable for consumption,” clarifies the specialist and warns not to collect them directly from nature because it threatens food safety. In these cases, they may contain pesticides or be contaminated by animals or the flow of cars.

It is recommended to avoid the consumption of lavender tea for pregnant women, lactating women and childrenShutterstock

Like any natural infusion, the consumption of lavender tea, as long as it is in balance and its daily intake is not abused, does not present inconveniences for the health of healthy adults. However, there are those who should be especially careful and sometimes even avoid it. In the first place, Menéndez highlights the pregnant and lactating women because the active ingredients of lavender essential oils can interfere and cause damage to the baby’s body. Second, name the children. In any case and in all cases, the specialist stresses the importance of consulting with a health professional prior to consumption to receive personalized advice because the requirements and needs of each person are different.

Lavender is a versatile and noble herb that easily adapts to different uses and has recently gained great popularity. The followers of gourmet gastronomy, use it as an ingredient in the preparation of their sweet and savory dishes. French cuisine, for example, frequently uses it in its legitimate pastry recipes, especially to make its emblematic macarons. It is also combined in salads and soups to enhance flavors.

But there is more. Infusions of all kinds based on this plant are positioned as an alternative option to replace drinks with caffeine and theine. The lavender latte is one of the new hits among people conscious of their diet who seek to take care of their health. It is a drink with a creamy texture and concentrated and intense flavors that provides benefits to the body. “Other people do blends for their mates: they combine lavender with yerba”, comments Menéndez.

Although its use is not limited only to the field of gastronomy. “Lavender is also widely used for aromatherapy treatments. Many use its oils to take baths and achieve a mental and muscular relaxation effect”, adds Menéndez. Another alternative is as “mother tincture”, which is the hydroalcoholic extract of a plant after having left it to macerate and which “is taken in the form of drops”. As Menéndez points out, the virtue of taking it this way is that its properties come in higher concentrations, so “it is very effective for treating gastric problems, for example.”

He lavender tea It is one more option within the immense world of medicinal plants. A simple alternative to prepare and with a friendly flavor that, combined with a healthy diet, can become an ally in preventing health problems and treating existing ones.

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