Understanding Genital Herpes: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

by time news

2023-08-04 10:56:00
Title: Dermatologist Explains the Permanence of Genital Herpes and Its Treatment

Date: Aug 04, 2023

Author: Laura Pomer

Genital herpes, a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, is a permanent condition that remains in the body even after treatment, unlike other sexually transmitted diseases. In a recent interview, a dermatologist sheds light on what this means for those affected, how genital herpes manifests itself, and the available treatment options.

The herpes simplex virus, once contracted, can be reactivated by various triggers, leading to herpes outbreaks throughout a person’s life. Unlike infections transmitted through contaminated surfaces, genital herpes is primarily transmitted through sexual contact via the mucous membranes in the genital area.

It is important to note that there are two types of herpes simplex virus: type 1, which typically causes cold sores, and type 2, responsible for genital herpes. While it is possible to trigger an infection with type 1 on the genital mucous membranes and vice versa, it is relatively rare.

The symptoms of genital herpes include swelling, redness, and the formation of small, burning blisters in the genital area, extending up to the anus. These blisters can burst, releasing highly infectious liquid. In severe cases, wounds and ulcers may develop, often accompanied by pain during urination. The first episode of genital herpes is usually more severe, with additional symptoms such as fever.

Seeking prompt medical attention is crucial, especially during the first infection. While the presence of small blisters on the genital mucous membranes may indicate genital herpes, other sexually transmitted diseases can present similar symptoms, necessitating laboratory testing for an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment for genital herpes includes antiviral drugs, available in cream or tablet form. In severe cases, injections may be administered by a healthcare professional. It is also essential for partners to be examined and treated if necessary because genital herpes is highly contagious and can be transmitted even with condom use.

Although treatment cannot prevent an outbreak entirely, it can alleviate symptoms and shorten the duration of the illness. It is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse until fully recovered, allowing broken blisters to heal and refraining from scratching crusts. Sharing towels should be avoided to prevent transmission to others.

Furthermore, reactivation of the dormant virus can be triggered by various factors, such as sunburn, general illnesses, hormonal changes, the use of certain medications, and stress. While reactivation cannot be prevented, managing stress and supporting the immune system can be beneficial in reducing the frequency and severity of episodes.

Genital herpes is a lifelong condition that requires proper management and treatment. By understanding the nature of the virus and following appropriate prevention measures, individuals affected by genital herpes can minimize the impact it has on their lives.

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