Diaper dermatitis, how to avoid it or solve it well and quickly – time.news

by time news

2023-08-04 13:48:26

by Chiara Daina

In summer, cases increase, also due to contact with sand and sea. Expert advice to effectively prevent and treat dermatitis and erythema

Diaper dermatitis is the inflammation that affects the baby’s skin in the groin, genitals and buttocks, causing redness and irritation up to papules (i.e. small raised skin lesions) and skin erosions. It is caused by the direct rubbing of the diaper on the baby’s skin, combined with sweating and maceration of the skin due to the stagnation of urine and feces. High temperatures and contact with sand and sea favor this problem. Cases double in the summer – warns Maria Giuliano, family pediatrician in Naples and president of the Italian Society of Pediatricians for Campania -. Usually this form of dermatitis manifests itself from the first months of life and is more frequent during the eruption of the first teeth, because in this phase the urine is more acidic and alters the pH of the skin more, making it more sensitive and more irritable. Even just once the diaper soiled with pee or feces is left in contact with the baby’s private parts for more than an hour to trigger inflammation.

The risks

Diaper dermatitis should not be underestimated because, if not treated adequately, it can worsen leading to bacterial or fungal infections, such as those with Staphylococcus aureus or Candida auris. Weakened and flaky skin is more vulnerable to attack by microorganisms already present on the skin or in the external environment, which in turn can lead to the development of deeper lesions with or without infection explains Giuliano.

The cure

In the presence of redness and papules, the first thing to do is to perform an accurate hygiene of the intimate parts. After washing the skin with a delicate cleanser, specific for children, it is advisable to make a compress with sodium bicarbonate diluted with water, then dry the skin by dabbing it with a soft towel and apply a protective and preventive cream based on wheat and polyesanide extract, a powerful antiseptic, or based on zinc oxide (with a soothing function), avoiding the use of cortisone and antifungal drugs. At this point, let your genitals breathe in the air for at least 15 minutes – recommends the pediatrician -. For wounds to heal, it usually takes an average of six days.

Ten good rules

The experts of the Italian Society of Pediatricians have drawn up a handbook of simple rules to prevent diaper rash in this hot and holiday season. First of all, diaper the child if you realize that he is ready, when he learns to understand the moment in which the bladder is full and he has the urge to pass stools (in girls it usually occurs at 2 years, in boys at 3 years). Secondly, the frequency of diaper changes should be increased to prevent the skin from remaining moist for too long and in contact with urine, faeces and sweat. The humid environment – recalls Giuliano – is a fertile ground for the proliferation of bacteria. Third rule: do not abuse wet wipes, because they contain fragrances and other chemical substances that can irritate the genitals, underlines the doctor, preferring the use of warm water and pediatric detergents. Children’s skin is thinner and much more sensitive than that of adults and therefore easily attacked by chemical and physical agents and microbes, Giuliano points out. Do not rub your private parts to dry them but dab them with a soft towel. And before putting the diaper back on, make sure their bottoms and genitals are dry. Apply more than once a day soothing creams (such as those based on wheat extract) to protect the skin from the acidity of the pee. Furthermore, plan breaks without a diaper, avoiding direct contact with the sand warns Giuliano. If genital dermatitis is frequent, it is advisable to change the type or brand of diaper. If possible, prefer washable nappies made from natural fibres, adds the pediatrician. Finally, avoid do-it-yourself (using, for example, corticosteroid or antibiotic-based creams) and contact your family pediatrician if the redness and burning do not subside after three days of using wheat extract-based creams or zinc oxide. It could be an infection and the pediatrician will indicate the appropriate therapy to follow concludes Giuliano.

August 4, 2023 (change August 4, 2023 | 1:48 pm)

#Diaper #dermatitis #avoid #solve #quickly #time.news

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