7 red flags to identify that you suffer from medical burnout

by time news

2023-08-04 19:00:06

According to the Study of Psychosocial Risks, four out of 10 Mexican collaborators consider that they work excessively.
Medical job burnout is related to decreased quality at work, increased errors, and higher levels of stress.
An element that has excessive tasks and works for more than 55 hours a week increases the risk of having a stroke by 35%.

A characteristic of all health professionals is their commitment to their work. It is an aspect that always speaks well of an element although it also has a negative part. The reason is because it increases the risk of suffering medical job burnout. In addition, the most serious thing is that many times you can suffer from this problem without knowing it.

In this case the doctors are usually multitasking, which implies developing several activities at the same time. It can have a positive impact on hospitals because some companies look for collaborators who have the ability to switch tasks and finish them immediately; however, if this practice is not handled properly, it can be counterproductive and reduce productivity.

The consequences of overwork

With this in mind, in the country it is estimated that four out of 10 employees consider that they work excessively, which not only depends on the number of activities they carry out daily but also on the levels of responsibility placed on some work areas, the training and support they receive from their co-responsibles, according to a Study of Psychosocial Risks prepared by Marsh.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO)a collaborator who has excessive tasks and works for more than 55 hours a week increases the risk of presenting a cerebrovascular accidentas well as suffer disabilities or die for occupational reasons.

“Companies look for productive collaborators; However, some processes within the company can hinder that productivity and lead the collaborator to multitask”, explains Anabel Fernández, CEO of Affor Health.

How to identify that you suffer from medical work burnout?

The commitment to work should always have a limit so that it is not counterproductive. With this in mind, there are some red flags or alert signs that you should know to identify in time if you suffer from this problem.

Decreased quality of work. It happens when employees try to perform multiple tasks at once and therefore their attention and focus is divided between them.
Increase in errors. Fragmented attention due to multitasking can contribute to mistakes, which could require additional time to correct or redo tasks.
Increased stress and fatigue. The constant processes of adaptation to activities and different priorities can contribute to greater exhaustion, which negatively affects the well-being of the employee and their ability to concentrate.
Difficulties planning and organizing. When many tasks are carried out at once, it is more difficult to establish priorities, plan properly or maintain order in tasks.
Less creativity and innovation. A divided focus as a result of multitasking can diminish the ability of employees to develop new ideas or think more creatively when solving problems.
Lack or clarity in communication. Performing multitasks can affect communication between team members, since divided attention can generate deficiencies in the messages transmitted or received.
Waste of time in context switching. Constantly switching between tasks requires a process and time to adapt to the new context, which can lead to lost time and decreased productivity.

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