voices and faces of «la Lettura» – time.news

by time news

2023-08-04 21:00:38


In the new issue, on Saturday 5 August in the App and Sunday 6 on the newsstand, the writer’s journey through the places of war. Digital Extra: The New York Novels

The writer Paolo Giordano returns to war-torn Ukraine, five months after his first trip to the country invaded by Russia (recounted in the Special of the «Corriere» of 21 February). In recent months, writes Giordano, many, too many new rows of graves have been dug in the Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv: one of these belongs to the writer Victoria Amelina, who died with 12 other people from wounds sustained in the bombing of a restaurant in Kramatorsk, hit by a missile on 27 June. A few weeks earlier, on June 6, the explosion of the Kakhovna dam devastated all the territories causing a human and environmental catastrophe. Paolo Giordano’s story, his testimony of the ever deeper damage caused by the war in Ukraine, opens the new issue of «la Lettura», #610, on Saturday 5 August on the App and Sunday 6 on the newsstand, and is the first of many different geographies of the world traced in the supplement.

In addition to the most recent issue of the supplement already previewed on Saturdays, the “La Lettura” app for smartphones and tablets also offers the archive of all the issues released since 2011 and the Theme of the Day, a digital-only daily extra. Subscribing to the App costs €3.99 a month or €39.99 a year, with one week free. The subscription can also be subscribed from the desktop starting from this page. For subscribers, the contents are also visible from PCs and Macs starting from their Profile page.

Giordano’s is a journey among victims and witnesses of destruction and torture, in flooded houses where only the rubble remains and where the calendars are stuck on February 24, 2022, when it all began. But also, in a strident and painful contrast, young people sunbathing on the beach. Even if the beach is that of the Dnipro, close to the central Zaporizhzhia. Giordano tells everything: the storks’ nests and minefields, the poetry readings and the continuous bombings. And he listens to his travel companions, who have already lost so many loved ones in the war that they have stopped counting them.

Other geographies: «la Lettura» has returned to Puglia, after having documented the emergence of a new and dangerous organized crime in 2017, to tell the climate a few days before «Game over», the largest anti-crime operation with 82 precautionary custody orders: the focus, with the article by Alessandra Coppola, explains the development of the “Foggiana society” – drug trafficking, extortion, assaults – and the struggle of the institutions. The identikit of this mafia, in Gianni Santucci’s interview, is traced by the writer and policeman Piernicola Silvis, former quaestor of Foggia, who chased it in books and investigations and warns of its danger.

Four places in the world, between lights and shadows, are told in the issue. We begin with the «flying rivers» of the Brazilian Amazon, cloud formations of the fluvial forests, immortalized in the Sebastião Salgado exhibition. Amazônia, dedicated to the great photographer and open in Milan, at the Fabbrica del Vapore, until 19 November: Angelo Ferracuti writes about it. There is also a corner of the sky 390 light years from the Earth, Rho Ophiuchi, photographed by the James Webb telescope, a nursery of stars which Giovanni Caprara writes about. Danilo Zagaria illustrates the damage of global warming in Florida waters, with temperatures up to 38 degrees killing the coral. While to the largest sand desert, Rub’ al-Khali, or the “Empty Quarter”, between Oman, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, the journalist William Atkins dedicated the book A world without borders (Adelphi), of which Matteo Trevisani writes .

Even literature recounts distant landscapes: the writer Coco Mellors sets her Cleopatra and Frankenstein (Einaudi Stile libero), which has become a phenomenon on social media, in New York; Annachiara Sacchi writes about it. And on Saturday 5 August, in the «la Lettura» App, the Theme of the Day is Simone Innocenti’s in-depth analysis of the novels dedicated to the Big Apple.

Interior, but able to tell the Italy of the present, are the horizons described by Niccolò Ammaniti: in the interview with Cristina Taglietti, the writer, who won the Viareggio with La vita intima after having obtained it 22 years ago with Io non ho paura (both published by Einaudi Stile libero), recounts the return to writing after the experience of director and screenwriter. And while he reflects on the creation process, on the relationship with writing in the present and with dystopia, he reveals that he is already working on a new story that combines horror with the experience of the pandemic.

August 4, 2023 (change August 4, 2023 | 21:12)

#voices #faces #Lettura #time.news

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