Quadricycles: without helmet and outside the safety zone | After the second death, Pinamar points out against irresponsible driving

by time news

After the two deaths in ATV accidents in the period of 72 hours, municipal authorities of Pinamar assured that the deaths occurred in an area where it is located forbidden to drive with these vehicles. “There is a fence and explanatory posters where it is said that It can not be passed”, affirmed from the Municipal Beach Security Secretariat about an area of ​​dunes in which every year accidents are recorded. Emilio Salinas died on Saturday after crashing into a UTV, adding to the recent death of Agustina Queirel, on December 29. Municipal authorities insisted that both they circulated without helmets despite the fact that its use is mandatory since 2019 for this type of vehicle.

The area of ​​”La Frontera” is located north of Pinamar, in the border with Costa Smeralda. Hundreds of tourists arrive every day to the wide beaches and its dunes. motorcycles, trucks, quadricycles and UTV vehicles. The last control of traffic officers from Pinar del Río is towards the end of Avenida del Libertador, from where you can access the “safe broker“parallel to the sea in which yes you can drive with quadricycles. Outside the corridors, in the dunes of “La Frontera” is circulation prohibited. There, less than 20 meters away and 72 hours apart, accidents occurred in which Agustina Queirel and Emilio Salinas died. Salinas died on Saturday after a collision with a UTV, while on December 29 Queirel overturned with his quad. The two deceased were driving without helmets.

By regulation of the National Ministry of Transportation, the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) and the Province of Buenos Aires, since 2019 coastal municipalities have to establish their “safe corridors” for these vehicles and guarantee safety there. That year, after successive accidents on the Atlantic coast, it was also established that ATV drivers they have to have a driver’s license, secure, domain certificate and ride with a helmet at all times. But nevertheless, It was not established that the dune areas are prohibited to transit, unless each municipality leaves them outside the “safe corridors”

Consulted by Page 12, Esteban Maggi, Secretary of Safety in Playa del Partido de Pinamar, indicated that the place where the accidents occurred “It is outside the safe corridors and it is a private property“.” There is a fence and explanatory posters where it is said that It can not be passed but it is a very large property, approximately 10 kilometers by 7 kilometers, so it is very difficult to restrict the entrance and the Beach Security service has no police power“, he assured.

For their part, ANSV spokespersons told this newspaper that controlling road safety with respect to quadricycles is “a matter of the Municipality“. The provincial government agreed on the same. Consulted by Page 12 After Lucas Ventoso, Pinamar Security Secretary, requested a greater police presence in “La Frontera”, they assured that the Area security is the municipal responsibility.

The deaths of Salinas and Queirel add to other tragic events occurred with quadricycles and UTV in Pinamar in previous years. Last summer, a 24-year-old man died in Cariló after being attacked by a UTV while riding his motorcycle. In December 2017, a 30-year-old man passed away. In January 2016, meanwhile, a 12-year-old boy died in an accident with his quad in the Cariló area.


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