In Germany the risk of attacks on synagogues is growing

by time news – The German secret services and the police sound the alarm: the new explosion of the conflict in Israel it risks leading to an escalation of attacks on synagogues and other Jewish institutions in Germany. This was revealed by Spiegel, who had access to an internal report of the security forces, which among other things explicitly evokes the possibility of “attacks with incendiary bottles” to places of worship, but also to the embassy and consulates of Israel.

In particular, it warns that “radical reactions” can take place not only by Palestinian or Islamist groups, but also by nationalist Turks and by far-right formations.

Fears of an escalation

To the Hamburg weekly the head of the secret services of the Land of Thuringia, Stephan Kramer, he said that it is necessary “to be extremely careful, because what is starting to happen on the streets no longer has anything to do with criticism of Israel: it is pure hatred and anti-Semitism”.

The alarm from German domestic intelligence comes as Germany’s leading religious communities strongly condemn the attacks of nature against Jewish institutions and places of worship that have occurred following the escalation of fire in Israel, including flags of the Jewish state burned in front of the synagogues in Muenster and Bonn and a demonstration in Gelsenkirchen in which slogans and heavy anti-Semitic insults flew.

The clearest words come from the president of the Central Council of the Islamic community in Germany, Aiman ​​Mazyek: “Whoever complains of racism and then first spreads hatred against Jews cannot pretend to express themselves on these issues”. And again: “Whoever wants to express criticism of Israel but then attacks the synagogues and the Jews, attacks us all and will get my resistance. I strongly condemn these horrible scenes”.

The reactions of other religious communities

For his part, the Catholic bishop of Augusta, Bertram Meier, fears that in Germany there is a form of “oblivion of history”: according to Meier, who is also the person in charge of the German bishops’ conference for interreligious dialogue, attacks on synagogues, but also the recent demonstrations in which Covid deniers have worn the stars of David, “show how some want to cancel the terrible events of the German past”.

The president of the Jewish central council in Germany also spoke in a video message, Josef Schuster, who appealed to the Germans: “We expect citizens to oppose this anti-Semitism, publicly and with a loud voice”.

Previously, the Israeli ambassador in Berlin, Jeremy Issacharoff, called for the security arrangements towards Jewish institutions to be strengthened: “I urgently ask the German authorities to do everything to ensure the safety of our community”.


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