Key Talks in Jeddah: China and India Join Ukraine in Seeking Peace Principles

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China and India Attend Talks in Jeddah as Ukraine Seeks Peace Agreement

DUBAI, Aug 5 (Reuters) – Senior officials from approximately 40 countries, including the United States, China, and India, convened in Saudi Arabia on Saturday for talks that Ukraine and its allies hope will lead to an agreement on key principles for a peaceful resolution to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The two-day meeting is part of Ukraine’s diplomatic efforts to garner support from countries outside its core Western backers. By reaching out to Global South countries, Ukraine aims to gain more traction in a conflict that has had severe global economic implications.

Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who seeks to establish principles for an autumn summit of global leaders, emphasized the importance of bilateral talks on the sidelines of the Jeddah meeting. While acknowledging the differences among the attending countries, Zelenskiy stressed the need to restore the rules-based international order.

Notably, Russia did not attend the talks. However, the Kremlin stated that it would closely monitor the discussions. At present, Ukrainian, Russian, and international officials believe that direct peace talks between Ukraine and Russia are unlikely due to the ongoing war.

Although the meeting did not result in a joint statement, an EU official reported positive developments. The Saudi Arabian hosts are expected to present a plan for further talks, with working groups discussing issues such as global food security, nuclear safety, and prisoner releases. The official emphasized the importance of respecting Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in any potential peace settlement.

Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter, played a significant role in convening countries that did not participate in previous meetings. Western diplomats have credited the kingdom’s diplomatic efforts for securing China’s presence at the talks. Saudi Arabia has maintained contacts with both Ukraine and Russia since the beginning of the conflict last February.

China’s attendance signals support for Saudi Arabian diplomacy, building on recent Chinese-Saudi cooperation. Saudi Arabia has sought a larger role on the world stage and has expanded ties with major powers beyond its traditional relationship with the United States. The kingdom has been particularly active in developing closer relations with China, including joining the China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization and brokering a resumption of ties with Iran.

It is important to note that China’s presence at the talks does not guarantee alignment with Ukraine and its allies. Experts suggest that China’s willingness to participate indicates a willingness to discuss and listen rather than a commitment to agree on the desired outcomes.

The talks in Jeddah mark a significant step in Ukraine’s diplomatic efforts to gather international support for a peaceful resolution to the conflict with Russia. While challenges and differences persist, the discussions provide an opportunity for global leaders to engage in dialogue and work towards restoring stability in the region.

Reporting by Lidia Kelly, Maha El Dahan, and Omar Abdel-Razek in Dubai, Michael Martina in Washington, Aftab Ahmed in New Delhi, Gabriela Baczynska in Brussels; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Andrew Cawthorne and Jan Harvey.

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