the crumb or the crust of bread?

by time news

2023-08-06 05:02:43

In popular culture there are many proverbs and expressions in which bread participates, in one way or another: in the absence of bread, good cakes are; sorrows with bread are less sorrows or longer than a day without bread.

The truth is that it is not for less, since bread is, traditionally, an important source of carbohydrates, which is not an obstacle for us to pay the attention it deserves to select the best quality products and not get carried away for the fake news.

We have reduced its consumption in a decade

The World Health Organization has long recommended consuming 250 grams of bread daily as part of a healthy diet. But, obviously, not all breads are the same, rye bread, for example, contains more fiber, despite the fact that in our country the most consumed is wheat bread.

By the way, the consumption of bread in Spain has dropped considerably in the last decade. In 2001, an average of 50.25 kilos per person was consumed, a figure much higher than the 30.7 kilos in 2021.

The key is in the amount of water

The crumb and the crust of the bread have the same mass, but the former is much more hydrated, it is estimated that it contains up to 45% more water than the crust, which implies that there are more air bubbles in its composition. Therefore, if we take 20 grams of crumb and 20 grams of crust, we will enter a greater amount of calories with the crust, which is more dehydrated.

In compensation, it has been observed that the bread crust provides additional benefits, since it contains greater amounts of antioxidants and fiber.

As for toasted bread, it is as if it were a crust, that is, it provides proportionally more calories as it is more dehydrated. With the same weight of fresh bread and toasted bread, the second will always be more energetic: 100 g of toasted bread provide 375 kilocalories and 100 g of fresh bread, on average, about 250 kilocalories.

From the fiber point of view, we also observe important differences according to the types of bread: 100 grams of white bread contain 2.2 grams of fiber; while 100 g of wholemeal bread provide 8.5 grams of fiber.

In short, if we can choose, make it whole wheat bread instead of white, since it translates in the long term into more cardiovascular benefits.

And to the pigeons… can we give them bread?

A very common image in our big cities is a square with fluttering pigeons and passers-by throwing pieces of bread at them. This postcard is repeated repeatedly in different parts of our geography despite the fact that there are several studies that show that it is counterproductive to feed the pigeons with bread, since the only thing we achieve is satiate them, so that they stop eating. search for other sources of food.

Let’s remember that pigeons are omnivorous animals that can eat a huge variety of foods, ranging from seeds to fruits, including vegetables and insects. If they are satiated with bread, they will no longer look for other food, despite the fact that bread does not contain all the nutrients that these animals need.

On the other hand, feeding bread can cause digestive problems and malnutrition in pigeons, as well as contain additives or preservatives that are harmful to their organism.

In conclusion, bread is not a suitable food for pigeons since it is not part of their natural diet and can have negative consequences on their health.

#crumb #crust #bread

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