three short texts in the Folio 3 collection

by time news

2023-08-06 11:09:15

The “Folio 3 euros” collection offers short novels of around a hundred pages, or classic or contemporary short stories. Today three stories by Romain Gary, Jean Giono and Louis Guilloux.

open book offers you today to draw from the Folio 3 euros catalog, the cheap Folio collection. It goes from Balzac to Albert Camus, via Victor Hugo, Patti Smith or even Jim Harrison. With a selection of three texts by three authors, who have points in common: disillusion in the face of the world that sometimes works violently, a form of non-conformism and independence of spirit. The three authors are Romain Gary, Jean Giono and Louis Guilloux.

Romain Gary : The treasures of the Red Sea

In The treasures of the Red Sea, published in 1971, Romain Gary evokes the rise and fall of the French Empire. Romain Gary has gone in search of lost soldiers, exhausted legionnaires or disillusioned diplomats. These treasures of the Red Sea are to be read like reports, in Djibouti in particular. One feels a great bitterness dawning behind these lines. The colonies, the French Empire only engendered misery, suffering and humiliation.

Jean Giono: Refusal of obedience

Jean Giono, with Refusal of obedience, attacks him, at war. frontally. Pacifist, he made 14-18, he lived his massacres and these massacres accompany him every day. “There is not a single moment when I have not thought of fighting against the war”, he said. It is a text written just before the war of 40. His text reveals an incredible rage. Reluctant in the face of any commitment, Giono declares that he prefers to live his happiness and refuse any sacrifice. Obviously, Giono did not only make friends with his very radical positions. But he then, let’s say, heal his wounds.

Louis Guilloux: OK Joe

In the countryside of Provence, Louis Guilloux, a rather unknown writer, signed OK Joe, more than 30 years after the period described in this book which takes us to Brittany. We are in 1944. The writer is then an interpreter for the military courts of the American army, in a newly liberated Brittany, and Louis Guilloux accompanies two American officers who most often investigate rapes and murders committed by American soldiers. . Crimes which in their vast majority lead to the death penalty for the perpetrators. And these authors, observe Louis Guilloux, are systematically blacks and when they are white, they are acquitted.

And the author begins to find his situation very uncomfortable morally. This relaxed American army, very relaxed in its codes, its hierarchical relations, generous with the populations, this well-equipped, well-dressed army, is obviously a reflection of what American society is, racist and ruthless with blacks. It is therefore in the Folio 3 € collection, it is not expensive and it can be read in a train journey.

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