School, Vincenzo De Luca: “Unvaccinated children in dad? It is discriminatory”

by time news

Vincenzo De Luca: “Keeping the unvaccinated at home would be hateful and unmanageable”

The situation of the pandemic and the countermeasures to stem it continue to be discussed. The president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca spoke on a topic deeply felt by millions of families, such as face-to-face or remote teaching: “In relation to the reopening of schools, I hear the idea circulating of keeping the unvaccinated children. It would seem to me a measure as hateful and discriminatory as it is unmanageable. I believe that taking simple and balanced measures, with the aim of opening them up schools in attendance as soon as possible and forever “.

Vincenzo De Luca: “Better to delay the return to school by 20/30 days, to reduce the infections”

Vincenzo De Luca he also put forward an alternative proposal, to avoid recourse to the distance learning: “In the current picture of the spread of the infection among the very young, the simple postponement of the return to school would seem to me to be a balanced and very useful measure. 20/30 days of breath, grant to publish the peak of contagion – which will probably have another growth in January – and of growth, in these days, the largest vaccination spread possible for the student population. It would certainly not be an ideal measure, but it would allow us to resume them shortly face-to-face lessons with greater serenity for the pupils, for the families, for the school staff “.

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