Employees of the National Mining Agency promise to strike from this Monday

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

Employees of the National Mining Agency (ANM) decided to launch a general strike starting this Monday (7), with no deadline, if the government does not present a proposal for structuring the agency by then. In an internal vote by the Association of National Mining Agency Servers (ASANM), the category stipulated the first week of the month as the deadline for having a series of demands met by the government.

Mobilized since the beginning of the year against what they define as the scrapping of the ANM, the civil servants of the autarchy ask for salary alignment with the other regulatory agencies in 2023, in a single and integral installment, claiming that there are budgetary resources for this purpose.

Another demand is the opening of a public tender to fill vacancies, considering that the agency operates today with the smallest contingent in the last 50 years – with only 664 civil servants and 1,457 vacant positions.

The civil servants also voted to draw up a collective request for leave to deal with private interests (LIP), emptying the agency until the government guarantees ANM’s salary parity compared to other regulatory agencies.

Grace period of 70%

According to the association, the central point responsible for the successive stoppages is that the ANM is unable to supervise the thousands of mining enterprises in the way it should. There are 664 civil servants, but 180 of them are inspectors. To inspect dams in the country, the agency has 53 civil servants who supervise 911 dams. Of the 2,121 available positions, only 664 are occupied, which generates a labor shortage of 70%.

“In this context of scrapping and complete abandonment of the ANM, the question is not whether we will have another tragedy involving dam failures, for example, but when. This is a warning that we have been doing for a long time and that has been repeatedly ignored by the federal government”, argued Ricardo Peçanha, director of ASANM.

In 2010, the total number of employees was higher (1,196 in all). However, with the wage gap, the number fell by almost half in just over ten years. Compared to other regulatory agencies, the salary gap reaches, on average, 46%, according to the category. The difference makes the agency unattractive for specialized labor and generates high turnover in the autarchy, which created an incentive to avoid evasion. Currently, 34% of civil servants receive a permanence allowance.

“This is not about the fight of a union, or of a category, the strengthening of the National Mining Agency will benefit all Brazilians because it will mean greater control of dams, a more rigorous and effective fight against illegal mining and the defense of the environment. and our mineral resources”, defended the director.

4% do PIB

According to the association, the request for recomposition of ANM employees would generate an impact of BRL 59 million per year, which represents 0.57% of what is collected with the Financial Compensation for Mineral Exploration (CFEM), which is the fee paid to the states, the Federal District, municipalities and federal government bodies as consideration for the economic use of mineral resources in their respective territories.

The National Mining Agency was created in 2017 (Law 13,575/2017) and is linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy. The same law that created the ANM extinguished the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM). The agency is primarily responsible for overseeing the exploration and management of mineral resources belonging to the Union.

The mining sector is equivalent to 4% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the estimated value of production is R$ 339.1 billion. The sector is still responsible for US$ 58 billion in exports or 80% of the balance of trade. Just with the Financial Compensation for Mineral Exploration (CFEM), the agency collects R$ 10.3 billion per year.

#Employees #National #Mining #Agency #promise #strike #Monday

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