The Intensifying Confrontation between Minister Amsalem and the Director of the Companies Authority: Call for Impeachment

by time news

Minister Calls for Impeachment of Companies Authority Head Amid Intensifying Confrontation

Today, Minister Dodi Amsalem took his ongoing disagreement with the head of the Companies Authority, Michal Rosenbaum, to a new level by appealing to various officials, including the Civil Service Commissioner, Attorney General, Prime Minister, and other ministers, with a request to impeach Rosenbaum.

The clash between Amsalem and Rosenbaum has been escalating, with Amsalem accusing Rosenbaum of “scandalous conduct.” In his appeal, Amsalem claimed that there are solid grounds for terminating Rosenbaum’s tenure based on two reasons mentioned in the government’s decision.

Amsalem, who has never before requested the termination of an employee’s term of office, stated that the circumstances surrounding Rosenbaum’s case forced him to make this unprecedented move. He clarified that his appeal is not a personal matter but is rooted in professional reasons. Amsalem expressed his frustration with the lack of cooperation and the impediments Rosenbaum has put in place to hinder his ability to work effectively with the Companies Authority.

The Minister further asserted that the atmosphere during their interactions has been marked by lack of politeness, disdain, and dishonesty on Rosenbaum’s part. He stated that the claim that Rosenbaum was standing up for independence, discretion, and the public interest was not accurate in this context, but rather an attempt to distort the facts.

Last Wednesday, Rosenbaum sent a letter to the Prime Minister, requesting to attend an upcoming cabinet meeting to address the challenging situation at the Companies Authority. She described the situation as a “governmental vacuum” that has caused significant harm to government companies.

Rosenbaum responded to Amsalem’s appeal, stating that this is the third attempt the Minister has made to remove the director of the Government Companies Authority since taking office. She claimed that Amsalem’s grievances stem from her refusal to comply with illegitimate demands, particularly regarding appointments and salaries. Rosenbaum emphasized that the authority operates within the boundaries of the law, adhering to good governance principles. She asserted that threats and attempts to undermine her will not deter her from making independent judgments.

It remains to be seen how the various officials approached by Amsalem will respond to his impeachment request. The intensifying confrontation between Amsalem and Rosenbaum raises questions about the stability and effectiveness of the Companies Authority and its ability to carry out its responsibilities in the best interests of the government companies it oversees.

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