The three scenarios that Feijóo proposes in “this context of enormous uncertainty” after the general elections

by time news

2023-08-06 19:43:41

This noon, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has appeared in front of the press in his attendance at the 71st edition of the Albariño Festival in Cambados. There, Feijóo wanted to communicate the situation that the Popular Party maintains in the face of “this context of enormous uncertainty.”

The popular leader has affirmed that this is not the time to not know where the main politicians of the country are, but “to give an opinion and establish a position from the political point of view in this context of enormous uncertainty with a government in office”.

Likewise, it has confirmed that “even today, the socialist party has not congratulated the popular party or its candidate for having won the elections.” Faced with this situation, Feijóo has taken the opportunity to announce the three different scenarios in which he is working to put an end to the political context that exists in Spain since the general elections were held on July 23:

“Blockade and a new electoral repetition as happened with Mr. Sánchez in 2015 and 2016” “An investiture of Mr. Sánchez in exchange for weakening the State, diminishing general interests and breaking the principle of equality of citizens”.” A broad, constitutional agreement, on which I will continue working in the coming weeks.”

Regarding the “broad and constitutional” agreement to which Feijóo refers, the leader of the PP remarks that it is necessary to “make the reforms that Spain needs, to preside over the Council of the European Union, in short, for Spain to once again be a foreseeable country, from an international point of view”. In addition, he added that “one party is necessary for a government and not 24 parties ruling in Spain.”

After his speech, Feijóo also wanted to allude to the statement that vox launched this morning, stating that “it is a step in the direction, first of recognizing the electoral results and of recognizing the electoral victory of the popular party, and secondly a progress in the field of constitutionalism”.

Feijóo proposes a solo government supported by a “broad and constitutional agreement”

The proposal made by the leader of the Popular Party is that of “a solitary government based on a broad and constitutional agreement to continue and continue with the reforms that Spain needs.”

In addition, with this agreement, Feijóo wants to “keep the Constitution in force throughout the national territory and, of course, advance as the countries of Europe are advancing to create employment, finance pensions and improve public services.”

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