Vegan influencer dies of malnutrition: She only ate seeds

by time news

2023-08-07 01:10:36

In 2016, there were more than 1.9 billion overweight adults worldwide, of whom around 650 million were obese.
According to the Ministry of Health, three out of four Mexican adults have excess body mass.
Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova maintained such an extreme raw vegan diet that she only ate seeds and fruit cut directly from the trees.

The highest recommendation that doctors make to their patients is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Simple aspects such as adopting a balanced diet and frequent physical exercise are the basis for preventing a wide variety of diseases. At the same time, there are people like one vegan influencer that take the situation to the opposite extreme and the consequences can also be fatal.

The impact of obesity and overweight in the world

In the first place it is necessary to talk about one of the most serious diseases that exist and is even normalized among society. It’s about the obesity and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1975 it has tripled.

It also mentions that in 2016 there were more than 1.9 billion overweight adults, of whom about 650 million were obese. While the most serious thing is that as a result of the sedentary lifestyle adopted during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is estimated that now the figures are even higher.

However, excess body mass is not generated by one cause but is multifactorial. From the genetic aspect to a diet based on fats and ultra-processed products are responsible for its appearance. While people with obesity have a high probability of developing one of the following diseases in the short term:

Cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke). Diabetes. Locomotor system disorders (especially osteoarthritis). Various types of cancer (endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney and colon, among others).

Vegan influencer takes her life to the extreme and dies of malnutrition

On the other hand, the abundance of food is not only dangerous but the same thing happens with the lack. Adopting a healthy lifestyle does not mean stopping eating but consuming adequate portions and balanced products.

All of the above is intended to prevent a repeat of the history of Zhanna Samsonova, a vegan influencer who was known on social media as Zhanna D’Art. In her case, she was constantly posting videos sharing her lifestyle and inviting others to follow her example.

Raw vegan diet, what is it?

The 39-year-old was originally from Russia but lived in Thailand and followed a strict raw vegan diet This variant is one of the most extreme that exists because it involves only eating plant products. While unlike vegans, it is distinguished because they must all be eaten without cooking so that they reach the human body in a “pure state”.

In the case of the vegan influencerHis diet was so extreme that he only ate seeds and fruits cut directly from the trees. As a result of the above, he developed an extremely thin condition and even received constant ridicule due to the state of his body.

For her part, everything was complicated when the Russian acquired a infection and due to his weakened immune system caused his death. Now his case has generated an intense debate about whether everything was really caused by his extreme diet or not.

In this regard, nutritionists point out that one should not attack the raw vegan diet but to the fact of acquiring a diet without the supervision of an expert. In all cases, an expert or doctor should always be consulted beforehand to identify the best option for each patient.

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#Vegan #influencer #dies #malnutrition #ate #seeds

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