Covid, the FDA authorizes the third dose of Pfizer vaccine for children between 12 and 15 years

by time news

Booster or booster with third dose also for very young people in the USA. The Food and Drug Administration has authorized the administration of Pfizer anti Covid vaccine for children between 12 and 15 years old. In recent days in the United States a new maximum the number of infections of coronaviruses reported.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recorded an average of 316,000 infections a day in the last seven days of the past year, data that coincides with an incidence of just under 700 per 100,000 inhabitants. Between December of last year and January, according to the CDC, the average of infections over seven days had reached about 250,000 per day. Infections on the rise just before Christmas. Blame the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, according to authorities, but in some areas they continue to affect infections caused by the Delta variant. According to the CDC, there are currently around 76,000 Covid patients hospitalized.

Yesterday, however, Israel gave the green light to the fourth dose of vaccine against Covid for all over 60s after 4 months from the recall, as premier Naftali Bennet announced during a press conference.

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