Public grove in unprecedented drought crisis | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-08-05 11:00:05

historical eucalyptus old and thirsty who are in Cabot street almost Meglioli, in Rivadavia. In the place there are no ditches and they did not make flower beds to place water.

The trees are dead standing. Nobody removes them and replaces them with others. We are still in the middle of winter, but dry, dead and other sick trees can be differentiated from those that are simply alive and healthy. Each government in power can be blamed for not doing serious maintenance of the public grove in all of San Juan for decades. There is no aggressive reforestation campaign since time immemorial. It is that the common reasoning is that this does not interest politics much and perhaps does not attract votes. The truth is that the entire community also has a responsibility for not taking care of the trees and for not maintaining them with at least one bucket of water per day for the specimens, in the case of the frontists. It costs nothing to quench the thirst of a tree, even those that are in a square and need that support.

Perhaps all of us from San Juan, to different degrees, bear this responsibility for this tremendous death of trees, especially in the Tulum Valley, where the five most populated departments of the province are located: Capital, Rawson, Chimbas, Santa Lucía and Rivadavia. . In other departments there is also a lack of collaboration from the community in the maintenance and multiplication of trees.

A street that connects Marquesado with La Bebida. On both sides of it there are two types of grove, the one that is completely dry on the right, despite having ditches through which no water has passed for years, according to the neighbors. And the one that is alive, on the left.

tree graveyard

DIARIO DE CUYO toured different places in Greater San Juan and the truth is that there are blocks and blocks of gigantic specimens of trees that are completely dry. The picture is as if it were a large graveyard of standing dead trees.

It can be argued that irrigating public trees is complex, due to the small amount of water that is available. However, with the irrigation trucks of each municipality it is possible, at least, to irrigate with buckets, keeping them alive, until the weather is good.

For example, the forest of different specimens of trees on the banks of the Ullum dam, almost all of them are dry. Pines, poplars and other species lack water, with the dike just a few meters away.

In Rivadavia, on the border with Rawson along Meglioli street until reaching República del Líbano, it is impressive to see dry, dead eucalyptus trees on the edge of the streets. The same thing happens on Comandante Cabot street, to the East, to mention just a few examples.

On the Costanera avenueChimbas, an apocalyptic panorama can be seen in what was the municipal campsite with all the dead trees, while in front is the completely dry bed of the San Juan river.

apocalyptic images

Not to mention the Costanera area, in Chimbas. Hundreds of dry trees on one bank of a San Juan river, also without water, which in past times was so mighty that history tells that the Cabot Column, of the Army of the Andes, had to cross the equipment, mules, horses, and soldiers to continue on their way to Chile to liberate those lands.

Today, all that is history. Nature is playing a trick on us because of the same human being that caused this climate change. So it is time for this crisis to be taken as a matter of state so that policies are legislated and executed that aim to promote reforestation throughout the province, care for the environment and use water in a more rational way, taking care of every drop. for irrigating fields and public groves, in order to transform the province into a place where one can live with a spring and summer that has been torrid for years.

Those who are destroying the fields where there are carob trees and other native trees must also be dealt with the full weight of the law. This depredation destroys the environment that deprives animals and man of the fruits of these trees.

Faced with this dramatic situation, it is to be expected that all political spaces, current and soon to assume, take this situation with absolute responsibility, which today is not given so much importance. It cannot be expected that what happens to Montevideo these days happens to San Juan with the lack of water. We must create forests, afforestation so that the microclimate accompanies the people of San Juan. The care of the public grove is an obligation of all.

It should be noted that the Department of Public Trees, of the Ministry of the Environment, carries out the Provincial Forestation Plan with the planting of native species. His goal is to create green lungs. So far this year, 10,000 specimens have already been planted. It seems like a gigantic number, but in reality it is very little for everything the province needs.

By Jose Correa

#Public #grove #unprecedented #drought #crisis #Cuyos #diary

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