How to disinfect nail clippers and other manicure utensils

by time news

2023-08-07 14:00:03

A nail clipper or cuticle clipper are useful implements for a manicure. But, they can also be a potential source of infections. Keep reading and we’ll tell you how to disinfect them correctly.

Last update: August 07, 2023

Knowledge of how to disinfect manicure utensils should not only be handled by a professional who provides this type of service. And it is that Without proper cleaning, work implements could affect healthdue to possible infections and bacteria that are lodged in them.

Next, we will know how to disinfect nail clippers and other tools that are used daily to do manicures; and thus keep them free of germs.

Different manicure utensils

Various kinds of work materials are used to make manicures. Some are disposable itemssuch as cotton balls and swabs, wooden sticks and finger separators.

However, manicure tools are designed, for the most part, to be used several times. Among them are those that are absorbent (towels), porous (files) and hard as spatulas, blades, cuticle cutters, among others.

In this sense, because they are not disposable, They must be cleaned, disinfected or sterilized, as the case may be.. Let’s see the difference between these three processes:

Cleaning makes it possible to remove visible dirt. It is done with water, soap or detergent, as well as brushes or scourers. For its part, disinfection seeks to eliminate pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi). As for the sterilization process, it helps to destroy any type of microorganism or life form that remains in the utensils.

How to disinfect manicure utensils?

Various physical and chemical procedures can be applied, suitable to the type of work materialand using specialized products or equipment, to disinfect manicure utensils, as well as any surface or element that comes into contact with the skin of the person who performs the procedure or who receives it.

Let’s see in detail, the step by step that any manicure professional or those who wish to keep nail clippers kits, cuticle cutters, among other implements, clean and ready to use, must follow.

Manual cleaning of metal implements

It is very important to know how to disinfect nail clippers, cuticle cutters, callus removers and other metal utensils used to cut nails or remove flesh.

It is They are the most delicate tools, since they come into contact with the skin of the personeven in some cases they can cause small injuries, with all the risks that this entails.

To clean such implements, through a manual procedure, it is recommended to follow these steps:

Step 1: soak the manicure tools for a few minutes in a container with warm water and a little soap. This will help loosen any stuck-on residue. Step 2: Clean with a soft bristle brush; it can be a toothbrush that is not used for other purposes. You have to go over every corner, to make sure that there are no traces of skin or other types of dirt. Step 3 – Remove from soak and place manicure tools on paper towel to dry slightly; then they are put in a container with 90% isopropyl alcohol and left for half an hour. Step 4: Remove the implements from the alcohol, allow them to air dry, once again, on a paper towel, and finally; they are stored in a suitable container for them. It is recommended that this has a lid, to avoid contact with dust or insects.

Something very important, throughout all these steps, is that the person must wear gloves, while handling the tools, to ensure that it is a completely sterile procedure.

Ozone and UV sterilizers

Those who have ozone or ultraviolet rays equipment can use it to sterilize their work utensils. It is considered that This type of equipment is effective in eliminating a wide variety of microorganisms., including thermophiles. In fact, UV light has been used in hospital spaces, observing that it is a powerful germicide for fungi, although not for all bacteria.

However, even when this type of equipment is to be used, steps one and two, described above, should not be skipped. In other words, it is recommended to clean the implements with soap and water, remove the residue with a brush and then, as step three, pass them through the ozone or UV sterilizer, instead of using alcohol.

Work surfaces and areas

Whether it is a professional or home procedure, The areas where the manicure is performed or is going to be performed must be clean. In the case of an establishment that provides this type of service, it is also crucial for the good image of the business.

Now, for surfaces such as tables and support boards, in addition to using a cloth or sponge with soapy water, you can add a splash of chlorine (sodium hypochlorite), which eliminates most mites, as well as some viruses and fungi.

If you prefer a more natural option, you can use a little vinegar. Also, for such purposes, there are ozone generators as well as UV light sanitizers. However, they require a bit more investment.

Other materials

Materials such as files and other non-metallic implements, can be sprayed with any product that is antibacterial or fungicidal. Although preferably disposable files should be used.

For his part, towels should be washed after use, in hot waterantibacterial soap and also a little chlorine, adding in the washing machine no more than 100 milliliters for each load.

It is important to note that it is not recommended to place a used towel for a client, previously by another, without first having washed it.

Why disinfect manicure utensils?

It is necessary to know how to disinfect manicure utensils, using the appropriate procedure for each case; because they can house various types of microorganisms. Investigations have confirmed the presence of bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coliamong others), within beauty salons and similar establishments.

In the same way, as already mentioned, some work tools come into contact with the skin and, sometimes, with blood; hence can be a vehicle for transmitting infections from one person to another, or diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV, among others.

But it’s not just people receiving treatment who can get an infection. for not sterilizing manicure utensils; but those who apply it are also exposed to different biological agents, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi.

So, for the good of the person, the client, your business and everyone, it is best to know how to disinfect manicure utensils and apply the corresponding measures.

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