The Battle for the Mail: Minister Karai’s Dismissal of Post Chairman Mishal Vaknin Sparks Legal Controversy

by time news

Title: High Court Showdown: Battle Continues Over Dismissal of Israel Post Chairman

Subtitle: Legal complications arise as ombudsman seeks reconsideration of dismissal

Date: [Insert Date]

[City], [Country] – In an ongoing battle for control over the Israel Post, ombudsman Speaker Gali Bahar-Miara met with Minister of Communications Shlomo Karai and Minister Dodi Amsalem on Sunday to request a reconsideration of the dismissal of Post Chairman Mishal Vaknin. This development comes amidst significant legal obstacles that the ombudsman has pointed out, leaving the fate of the dismissal hanging in the balance.

According to sources, Bahar-Miara argued that the dismissal procedure involved significant legal difficulties that could potentially render the dismissals indefensible in the High Court. Highlighting these challenges, she urged the ministers to reconsider their decision.

Mishal Vaknin, considered one of the outstanding managers of the government-owned organization, has been credited with streamlining the operations of the Israel Post and leading a major revolution within the company. Despite NIS 2 billion in losses over the past three years alone, Vaknin managed to turn the organization around. However, Minister Karai decided to terminate his services, a move that was met with petitions submitted to the High Court that resulted in a temporary freeze on the dismissals.

Upcoming Wednesday, the state is required to present its position on the matter to the High Court, raising the possibility of a request to postpone the date of the answer.

Minister Karai was quick to respond, clarifying that the impeachment process has not been frozen. In fact, he emphasized that the High Court had refused to issue an interim order to suspend the impeachment, resulting in Vaknin’s removal from office. Additionally, Karai pointed out that the ombudsman had not made any official announcements yet, but regardless of her decision, the minister was prepared to fight for the public interest with the tools at his disposal.

The issue of privatizing the Israel Post has also been a point of contention in recent months. Minister Karai’s intention to depose Chairman Vaknin has reportedly been met with demands from senior finance officials for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s intervention to expedite the privatization process. Karai argues that the chairman’s position has shown deficiencies and therefore warrants a replacement. On the other hand, Vaknin claims that his removal is politically motivated, a move orchestrated by Karai himself.

With the High Court showdown looming, the battle for control over the Israel Post continues to escalate. The outcome of the court’s decision will have significant implications not only for the future of Mishal Vaknin but also for the fate of the much-debated privatization plan.

[End of article]

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