without beds, overcrowded and eating “disgusting rice and smelly broth”

by time news

2023-08-08 11:08:08

Daniel Sancho has been detained since last Friday, August 4 after confessing to the crime of his partner Edwin Arrieta. After collaborating and helping in the investigation of the alleged murder throughout the weekend, the Thai Police gave Rodolfo Sancho’s son special treatment, inviting him to dinner at “the best hotel on the island” and letting him use his mobile phone staff for “a while”, as he explained in a conversation with ‘El programa del verano’ on Telecinco.

Favorable treatment despite continuing to be detained: “I am surrounded. I mean, they have brought me here for dinner because they have closed the case and tomorrow I am with twenty people in a cell,” Daniel Sancho assured the television program. A conversation that took place on Sunday night while he was having dinner. In it, he already anticipated that the next day, that is, Monday, he would meet “twenty people in a cell.”

It is true that he entered the Koh Samui prison first thing yesterday, but, for now, he did so in an isolation module where he will have to spend ten days to comply with the prison’s coronavirus protocol. In fact, he won’t even be able to see his father, the famous Spanish actor Rodolfo Sancho, who is already in Thailand. Due to this exhaustive protocol, Daniel Sancho will only be able to meet with the lawyer that his father has found for him. Meeting that is expected to be held this morning.

Koh Samui prison has no beds for inmates, just three blankets

The efforts of his family and lawyer to bring him back to Spain, where they want him to serve his sentence, have so far been in vain. Just yesterday, Daniel Sancho entered the Koh Samui prison, being aware of the poor conditions in which he would be. Prison in which he will have to remain, at least, until the trial is held.

Since Daniel Sancho’s admission yesterday, there have already been several testimonies that have come from people and ex-inmates about what Koh Samui is like. A blogger named Mia Escobud interviewed two former inmates years ago, who told her that there are “no beds” in the cells, although before they did have “hammocks.” Now the inmates only have three blankets: “one to cover, another to sleep on and another as a pillow.” Blankets that lay directly on the cold floor of the cell without any further protection. “I spent the whole time there with my legs in the toilet, other inmates’ feet in my face. The width of my ‘space’ was about 14 inches wide. At one point in the cell you couldn’t extend your legs than full it was,” one of the inmates told Mia Escobud.

The bathrooms are equipped with 16 showers and two troughs that are “a bit crazy”, as ex-prisoners commented. The food also leaves a lot to be desired. The dish consists of “disgusting looking rice and smelly broth with some bones in it. Same for dinner, though sometimes you can get lucky and get some chicken stuck to the bones.”

In the interview conducted in 2016, these prisoners denounced “torture and abuse of power.” In it, they also talked about the use of “shackles” and certain “punishments.” They also lived a complicated situation of overcrowding. Well, they estimated that there are more than “7,000 prisoners” inside when the jail is designed to house “3,500.”

Regarding the day to day, the ex-inmates have to be present in several counts that are made throughout the day that begins at 6 in the morning. At 8 o’clock the hymn is sung and the second count of the day is made. At 8:30 a.m. breakfast is served with “nasty rice and a smelly broth.” At 11:00 the third count takes place and at 11:45 lunch is served. The day continues with showers, gym and free time. Dinner is at 3:00 p.m. and at 4:00 p.m. they have to return to the cells. There they can take a shower or watch old Thai programs offered by the prison authorities. At 9:00 p.m. there must be absolute silence.

It is clear that the conditions leave much to be desired. That is why Daniel Sancho asked Telecinco to continue with the “media coverage” to move “heaven and earth” and get him extradited to Spain, where prison conditions are not so harsh. His father, Rodolfo Sancho, for his part, continues to think that his son confessed to the murder “under police pressure.”

However, it should be noted that his situation could worsen if he goes to trial and plead guilty, as he could be sent to Bang Kwang prison, seven kilometers from Bangkok, known as ‘Hell on Earth’ and considered as one of the most dangerous in the world.

#beds #overcrowded #eating #disgusting #rice #smelly #broth

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