White Mother Files Federal Lawsuit Against Southwest Airlines Alleging Blatant Racism Towards Biracial Daughter

by time news

Title: White Mother Sues Southwest Airlines for Alleged Racial Profiling of Biracial Daughter

Subtitle: Lawsuit claims “blatant racism” by airline employees led to distressing incident

[City], [State] – A white mother from California has filed a federal lawsuit against Southwest Airlines, alleging that she and her biracial daughter were victims of racial profiling and “blatant racism” by airline employees. The incident occurred during a flight from San Jose to Denver in October 2021, shortly after the sudden death of the mother’s brother.

According to the lawsuit filed on August 3 in the District Court of Colorado, Mary MacCarthy and her then 10-year-old daughter were met by police officers upon their arrival at Denver International Airport. The lawsuit states that during questioning, it became apparent that the officers had received racially charged information, claiming that MacCarthy’s daughter was possibly being trafficked due to the stark contrast in their appearances.

MacCarthy described the flight as uneventful until they disembarked the plane and were confronted by armed police officers who were already aware of their names. Recognizing the potential racial profiling, MacCarthy stated, “That’s when I kind of switched into being…a mother who’s there to protect her child and herself from these accusations.”

In an attempt to document the incident, MacCarthy used her cellphone to record her interaction with the police officers. Additionally, her attorney provided a police bodycam video obtained through an open records request. In the video, a Southwest Airlines employee is heard informing MacCarthy about flight attendants reporting “suspicious behavior” during the flight from San Jose to Denver.

According to the lawsuit, MacCarthy and her daughter were released from the airport only after MacCarthy explained the purpose of their travel and presented her identification. The lawsuit also mentions a separate incident in January 2021, where a white male passenger with a Black daughter was removed from a Southwest flight for questioning, further accusing the airline of perpetuating racist assumptions about mixed-race families.

Southwest Airlines declined to comment on the pending litigation. MacCarthy hopes that the lawsuit will hold the airline accountable and lead to changes in the training provided to flight attendants. Expressing her solidarity with other parents who might have faced similar situations, MacCarthy stated, “If I can use my voice to make life a little bit easier for parents of color or children of color, even if it makes one person’s life easier, I’m going to do it.”

While MacCarthy is determined to seek justice, her daughter has chosen not to talk about the incident, as it remains a painful memory associated with her uncle’s death. MacCarthy emphasized the importance of supporting parents and children of color who may face similar discriminatory experiences during air travel.

As the lawsuit unfolds, it brings attention to the need for increased awareness and sensitivity training within the airline industry to prevent racial profiling and the unjust treatment of passengers based on their appearance.

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