Niger: “difficult” discussions with the putschists, no dialogue with the ECOWAS delegation

by time news

2023-08-08 15:31:44

An American emissary had “difficult” discussions in Niamey with the military who carried out the coup in Niger, the United States saying that it favored diplomatic means to restore constitutional order, rather than military intervention for a time envisaged by West African countries.

The leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will meet again Thursday in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, to discuss the situation in Niger, two weeks after the coup, indicated ECOWAS in a press release.

The putschists informed ECOWAS, of which a delegation wanted to go to Niamey, that it could not come for the moment for “security” reasons, indicates an official letter. “The current context of anger and revolt of the populations following the sanctions imposed by ECOWAS does not allow the reception of the said delegation in the serenity and security required”, indicates this letter from the Nigerien Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addressed to the representation of ECOWAS in Niamey.

An expired ultimatum

At a previous summit in Abuja on July 30, West African leaders gave the Nigerien military a week to restore elected President Mohamed Bazoum, who is currently being held prisoner. The chiefs of staff of the region had even drawn the “outlines” of a possible armed intervention, but it was not triggered when the ultimatum expired at midnight on Sunday.

According to a source close to ECOWAS, an intervention is not envisaged at this stage, and the path of dialogue therefore still seems to be on the table. “It is certain that diplomacy is the preferable way to resolve this situation. This is the approach of ECOWAS, it is our approach and we support the efforts of ECOWAS to restore constitutional order,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told RFI.

A senior US diplomat, Victoria Nuland, said on Monday that she had met the coup plotters in Niamey. “These discussions were extremely frank and at times quite difficult,” she told reporters by telephone.

Victoria Nuland, acting number two for US diplomacy, said she met Brigadier General Moussa Salaou Barmou, the new army chief of staff, and other officials, but was unable to meet. neither with the head of the military in power, General Abdourahamane Tiani, nor with the overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum. For its part, France reiterated its position on the situation in Niger on Tuesday, supporting “the efforts of the countries of the region to restore democracy” in this country, a diplomatic source told AFP.

Wagner in ambush

She said she offered “many options” to end the coup, as well as the “good offices” of the United States “if there was a desire on the part of those responsible to return to constitutional order. while adding, “I wouldn’t say this offer was considered in any way.” The official also clarified that General Barmou was well aware of the cooperation between Niger and the United States, due to his past involvement in the special forces.

The authors of the coup “understand very well the risks to their sovereignty posed by an invitation from Wagner”, declared Nulan, in reference to the Russian paramilitary group Wagner, present in particular in neighboring Mali.

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