What is not convenient for Ecuador (I)

by time news

2023-07-25 07:05:00

The next president will govern based on irresponsible populism to position himself as “a good government” and be re-elected in 2025. But voters should already know that demagogic offers are not good for us as a country, on issues such as the following:

1) Decrease the international reserves that support dollarization, because it would affect our international image and increase country risk, which makes credit more expensive and restricts investment, pushes up interest rates and raises production costs. All of this is not convenient for them because it causes capital to flow abroad, decreases the liquidity of dollars to finance national development, and deepens the economic crisis for poor Ecuadorians. Populism always affects any government.

2) Increasing the fiscal deficit without control is not convenient either because it leaves the State reduced to a minimum its ability to lead the country along the path of prosperity and distributive justice, although there are always a privileged few who favor a minimal State so that the law of the jungle, where the powerful always win.

3) Political turbulence is not convenient because it causes economic instability, retracts investments that affects job creation. And public investments are impossible because the State has no resources due to the exaggerated subsidies to those who do not need them. That is why the next government must pursue policies with maturity and rationality to project a reliable image, in an environment of legal security.

4) The issue of Social Security has not been valued in its delicate relevance. Current affiliates are privileged compared to the high number of non-affiliates who are already working. Then the next president will have to apply his power so that all those who work are affiliated in order to provide justice to social protection. The current affiliates must think about the future of their children and grandchildren and act according to the reasonable conclusions of the important study carried out by personalities of social and economic knowledge, who could do the work for which this government is going to spend 4 million dollars.

#convenient #Ecuador

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