To save the Mediterranean, we must reforest it | Environmental News

by time news

2023-08-08 10:03:34

Restoration of Posidonia meadows and conservation of the Mediterranean marine ecosystem” is the first national pilot project that is developed in Ibiza whose objective is, within a period of 5 years, to start reforest the Posidonia meadow of the island, damaged by the anchoring of ships on it, and the coral reefs of the Mediterranean through actions based on a program of sustainable tourism.

The Blue Life Ibiza Foundation proposes a new tourism model on the island that has always been characterized as the capital of the national festival. This is a project that has an important innovation component through citizen and entity participation in all phases, combining volunteer actions with the development of regenerative tourism experiences to involve the resident and visitor population. also performs environmental education actions, awareness and workshops in schools and educational centers.

Restaura Posidonia and Coral Ibiza has been recognized by the “Santander for the Seas” program of the Banco Santander Foundation, in its third edition, as one of the three best national projects in favor of restoring the aquatic bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

The national pilot initiative that is being developed in the Pitiusas also seeks identify and map new coral populations and areas where, especially, the species of red gorgonians (P. clavata) and white (E. singular) are present, as well as to evaluate their status, reproduction patterns and the threats to which they are exposed. Based on the information collected, together with the competent administrations and research centers, a management, monitoring and conservation plan that includes protective measures. The ultimate goal is to guarantee the long-term survival of these species in the Mediterranean and their natural habitat.

The president of the Blue Life Foundation, Oscar Caro, has indicated that “through citizen science, society and the general public are involved in scientific activities, promoting their active cooperation in research to conserve and restore marine biodiversity; and, especially in this case, the Posidonia meadows and the coral. This not only increases knowledge, but also raises awareness about more sustainable and respectful behaviors, attitudes and practices with the marine environment, which contributes to a new relationship between society and its natural environment.

Adding the implementation of tourist experiences based on conservation, restoration and monitoring of the results, will also generate a significant long-term economic impact in the territory. By attracting tourists interested in improving the biodiversity of the destination they visit, the project contributes to increasing the demand for tourism services, improving the competitiveness of the sector and fostering the development and creation of new companies that offer tourism services promoting the blue economy and sustainability. long term in the industry”.

The importance of Posidonia and coral

The conservation and restoration of coral populations and Posidonia meadows can help to protect biodiversity and improve water quality in the Mediterranean. These species are essential for the marine ecosystem and provide a vital habitat for a variety of species such as fish and shellfish.

In addition, they help combat climate changesince the coral and Posidonia meadows have the ability to store carbon and reduce acidification of seas and oceans. The Posidonia meadow of Ibiza, unique in the world, was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999 for being the largest and longest-lived living being on the planet. The “Restaura Posidonia y Coral” projects were presented on May 16 and are expected to be developed from then to 2028.

Press contact: Carmen Ibáñez Gil 666 153 497

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