The seven most frequent effects that the abuse of screens has on the development of children

by time news

2023-08-08 17:00:00

The guide for parents on the good use of new technologies driven Resort-Ginso in collaboration with the Community of Madrid in 2021 indicates that approximately the 70 % of minors have their first mobile between the ages of 10 and 15, although it is estimated that the first interaction occurs with 6 years through parent devices.

This association, which focuses its activity on the social integration of minors and young people, emphasizes that in order to identify whether a minor makes good use of the screens, it is necessary to take into account three factors: the time spent with the device, the type of response it gives when separated from it, and how its use affects other areas (sleeping, eating, sports activities, and going to school).

According to Recurra-Ginso experts, all under 12 years They must be accompanied, guided and supervised by an adult while using the screens in order to encourage good use that favors their development and complements the knowledge acquired at school and with the family. Once this age is exceeded, and as long as the young person demonstrates maturity and performance, supervision may be less, up to the age of 16, who may be autonomous as long as they show responsibility in the use of the device.

They are not the only ones dealing with this problem. Recently, several educators from the editorial rubio They have exposed the seven most frequent effects of the abuse of technologies in the smallest and insist that for mothers and fathers it is “essential to contribute to their development in digital competence”:

Decreased ability to concentrate

The constant exposure to electronic devices and the digital overstimulation that these cause mean that children can develop difficulties to maintain attention on a single task. “This negatively affects their cognitive performance and productivity, making it difficult for them to develop properly,” they explain.

Need for instant gratification

The hectic pace of networks, online platforms and the internet in general encourages a mentality of seeking instant rewards, thus causing a lack of perseverance, as well as possible frustration at not receiving them. “This can also translate into a decreased ability to read or write long texts linked to a preference for fragmented information, summaries or short messages,” they add.

Difficulty developing waiting skills and boredom

“Providing an electronic device to children as a mechanism to calm them down or avoid boredom is a widespread practice.” However, experts indicate that this apparently innocent act can trigger significant consequences in their development, “such as limited waiting capacity or low tolerance for boredom, fundamental skills for the development of patience, creativity and emotional self-regulation.” ”.

Risk of developing related disorders

As Rubio’s educators explain, the excessive and unhealthy use of technology in children is associated with an increased risk of suffering from a series of diseases and disorders, such as childhood depression, obesity or behavioral problems, among others.

Isolation and dependency

“When children are immersed in the virtual world, it is common for them to disconnect from reality and decrease their social interactions in the real world, which can cause difficulties in communication and in adapting to social environments,” they warn. In addition to isolation, continuous exposure to digital stimuli can also generate dependency and affect the development of skills and the regulation of their emotions.

Difficulties in psychomotor and cognitive development

Despite the benefits that technologies can have, specialists stress that there are various psychomotor and cognitive aspects that can only be developed through the use of physical elements. “For example, writing, drawing, or manipulating tangible objects provides unique opportunities for the development of motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness.”

Disconnection with reality and the environment

“Direct interaction with the real world is essential for children’s cognitive and sensory development, so abusing screens limits their ability to learn through observation and exploration, depriving them of enriching experiences.” Likewise, they also add that the virtual world can distort their understanding of reality “since it often shows an image that is not true to it.”

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