The first statue of Atatürk is not in Istanbul, but in Izmir with the signature of Krippel

by time news

2023-07-14 09:08:24

It is unclear how many bronze castings were made of Heinrich Krippel’s work.

In Hereke town of Kocaeli, in the middle of the Republic Monument; There was the same work of Krippel, the first statue of Gazi in Izmir. The work in question was exactly the same as the one in Izmir. It is a very rare work cast from the same mold. However, the work was eliminated in the 1980s. Another copy of Gazi’s first statue; while mixing old Anatolian city photos; I remember seeing it in a province or district in the Black Sea. But I couldn’t figure out where. A copy of the sculpture made by Krippel was also in the Izmit Paper Factory.

The first sculpture of our ancestor, signed by Krippel; Where are the three lost rare statues now? Are there any collectors who own the works in question? If any; In what way and how did he get these lost artifacts?

When was Atatürk’s statue made for the first time? I have searched for many answers to this question. The oldest I could find; It was made during the Sivas Congress. The bust of Mustafa Kemal Pasha was commissioned by a person who came to the Congress and was given to him as a gift.

Published in the newspaper Cumhuriyet on July 10, 1925:

“The statue of Gazi Pasha, the Sculptor finished his first sculpture. About to replenish the others.”

“The sculptor who makes various statues of Gazi Pasha”

“The statue he trusted with Krippel.”

Turkish news with Arabic letters titled:

“Heinrich Krippel, who went to Ankara to make the statues of Gazi Pasha and was working with the President himself as a model, completed the first statue of Gazi Pasha. This statue is a bust as seen in the picture.” (The artist’s first name was mistakenly written as Friedrich.) (Cumhuriyet newspaper, 10 July 1925, page 1.)

Published in Cumhuriyet newspaper: “Does the remzi of the first statue belong to İzmir?” Turkish news with Arabic letters titled:

“A letter and pictures we received from İzmir: Three and a half months ago, the first statue of Gazi Pasha was depicted in the garden of İzmir District Agricultural School. Istanbul Şehremaneti made maximum efforts to depict the statues of His Holiness Gazi Pasha, and even before Konya, remze succeeded. But we are told that this statue is not the first. The statue of Gazi was depicted in İzmir three and a half months ago. Abidin Bey, Director of İzmir District Agricultural School, gives the following explanation in the letter he wrote to us:

It is reported that the honor of erecting the first statue of Gazi was given to Istanbul. However, the first statue of His Holiness Gazi Pasha was depicted in the garden of our school in Izmir three months ago. The official siege was performed at the “Garden Party”, which was given in their honor in the garden of our school upon the honor of His Holiness Gazi Pasha in Izmir, and the statue was illuminated with electricity and colored projectors that night, and was applauded by all the attendees several times. Gazi Pasha personally attended this ceremony and they were very pleased and special.

It is the honor of erecting the first statue of the great Veteran for him; I present to you the photographs of the statue so that all of Turkey will know that it belongs to our Izmir and that our Izmir should be proud of it.

In reality this [heykel] It is not as massive as in Sarayburnu. Its height is at an altitude of five meters. It is a half statue and weighs a hundred kilos. Manufactured by Krippel. “
(Cumhuriyet newspaper, 6 September 1926, p. 1.)

Atilla Oral

Heinrich Krippel (27 September 1883 – 5 April 1945),

Austrian sculptor, painter, copper engraver and illustrator, known for his monumental sculptures in Turkey.

He was born on September 27, 1883 in Vienna. He completed his art education in the workshop of Professor Hemler at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He worked and became known mostly on portraits, busts and tombstones. He participated in World War I as an artillery officer. In 1925, he came to Turkey at the invitation of the Turkish Government to have Atatürk monuments built. He stayed in Turkey for thirteen years until 1938 and made Atatürk sculptures.

Atatürk hosted the artist in the mansion and posed for all the sculptures he would prepare. Krippel prepared the preliminary studies and sketches of these statues and monuments in Turkey. Sculpture molds designed and prepared from these sketches were produced in the artist’s workshop in Vienna and cast in bronze at the Vienna United Mines. These statues were later brought to Turkey in pieces and assembled in place.

Before returning to Vienna, the artist realized a stone statue of Atatürk in the Sümerbank building, which was designed and built by Martin Elsaesser in Ulus, and returned to Vienna in 1938 with the hope of coming back to Turkey. Krippel II. He could not return to Turkey again due to the start of World War II, and his life ended after a gastric surgery in Vienna on April 5, 1945. Source: Wikipedia. (Atilla Oral)


#statue #Atatürk #Istanbul #Izmir #signature #Krippel

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