WHO recognizes the first 2 drugs against alcoholism

by time news

2023-08-09 19:00:59

Excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for the development of more than 200 diseases and disorders.
It is one of the most severe addictions that exists and is responsible for three million deaths annually on a global scale.
For the first time in history, the WHO included two drugs against alcoholism in the updated edition of its Model List of Essential Medicines.

Addictions have become one of the most serious problems in the world. They exist of all kinds and are responsible for millions of deaths every year. With this in mind, the WHO released a landmark decision. For the first time he recognized that There are two drugs that work against alcoholism.

In the first instance, excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for the development of more than 200 diseases and disorders. In fact, every year it is responsible for three million deaths globally, which represents 5.3% of all deaths. In addition, there are another 150 million people who have a dependency on this substance.

For his part, The highest health organization adds that of all deaths attributable to alcohol, 28% occurred due to injuries. Among the main ones are those caused by traffic accidents, self-harm and interpersonal violence. While 21% were due to digestive disorders; 19% to cardiovascular diseases, and the rest to infectious diseases, cancers, mental disorders and other conditions.

However, in the case of Mexico, the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) said that 12 percent of adults who regularly consume alcohol increased their intake during the pandemic.

First drugs that work against alcoholism

Based on all of the above, the WHO published the new edition of the Model List of Essential Medicines. Among the novelties there is an unprecedented one because for the first time it includes two medicines that are recommended for the treatment of alcohol use disorders in adults. Its about acamprosate and naltrexone.

Until now, Other drugs indicated for the treatment of alcohol use disorders have never been included in this paper. This represents a historic public health decision that recognizes the importance of addressing the most severe addiction in the world.

With the high prevalence and burden of alcohol use disorders and limited treatment coverage, the inclusion of acamprosate and naltrexone will provide valuable options and choices for patients and physicians. It is also expected to help reduce costs and improve affordable access to these treatments for national health systems.

It is not a cure for alcoholism but it does help to stop the addiction

A very important clarification is that both drugs are not a cure for alcoholism but they are useful in medical treatments. Their role is to help patients gradually quit their addiction.

The inclusion of acamprosate and naltrexone in the new edition of the Model List of Essential Medicines It is aligned with the WHO recommendations on the management of alcohol use disorders.

Both drugs are recommended for the treatment of alcohol dependence in the WHO Intervention Guideline for Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders in Non-specialist Health Settings published in 2016.

This decision will further facilitate the implementation of the Global Action Plan on Alcohol 2022-2030 approved by the 75th World Health Assembly in 2022. What it establishes are measures to boost the prevention and treatment capacity of health and social care systems for alcohol use disorders.

What is the Model List of Essential Medicines?

The first edition was published in 1977 by the WHO and one of its objectives is promote better access to medicines in developing countries. Over the years it has become a global political tool for decisions related to the selection and universal coverage of medicines within all health systems.

This document is updated biennially by an Expert Committee comprised of recognized specialists from academia, research, and the medical and pharmaceutical professions to address new health challenges, prioritize highly effective therapies, and improve affordable access.

Worldwide, more than 150 countries use the Model List of Essential Medicines of the WHO to guide decisions on which drugs represent the best value for money, based on the evidence and the impact on health.

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