Le Vaillant, head of Miviludes: “Esoteric beliefs are holy bread for gurus”

by time news

2023-08-09 17:27:25

How do you know if you are facing a “slippery”? What behavior to adopt if a loved one is under the influence? The advice of the magistrate who directs the Interministerial Mission for vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations.

L’Express: Does the enthusiasm for these beliefs worry you?

Esotericism is lost in the mists of time, the questions it reflects being found in human nature. The current context is conducive to its development, with the loss of influence of the great religions and the succession of collective ordeals that we are going through, such as attacks, global warming or the Covid. The confinements were great moments of loss of bearings and decisions of reorientation, in particular professional. With the health crisis, the use of digital has further developed. This is an extraordinary way to reach new audiences in a very simple way. All these ingredients add up to favor the excesses that can be linked to these beliefs. And, in fact, we clearly have an increase in the number of reports in this very nebulous area, whether in connection with shamanism, the sacred feminine or even ecovillages, to name but a few examples.

How is esotericism conducive to sectarian aberrations?

Esotericism represents by definition a set of secret teachings reserved for initiates. It is holy bread for ill-intentioned individuals. In the seduction phase, the guru will be able to say that he has chosen a person because he is one of the chosen ones capable of understanding his message. It will provide explanations for any hardships, help to “find meaning” in existence. This can be very guilt-free: if you suffer from depression, for example, it will not be your fault, but the legacy of your grandmother who was abused in her childhood. It is not a question of criticizing beliefs – everyone has the right to believe what they want – but of highlighting the mechanisms of control.

“Keeping in touch is essential, because obviously the gurus seek to cut off their targets from their surroundings”

What are the signs?

Initially, the victim often finds himself full of new energy given by the promises of the realization of his dreams. You have to be wary if you are then conditioned not to talk about it to a loved one, if you are immersed in a secret universe. If in addition you are asked to change your lifestyle, if the outside world is denigrated, if there is no opportunity for discussion, or if you are faced with increasing financial demands, then all the lights are red.

What advice do you give to relatives of victims?

Keeping in touch is essential, because obviously the gurus seek to cut off their targets from their surroundings. This can happen very quickly, and this is what must be avoided in priority. Miviludes counselors can also provide advice to families or to the victims themselves. Psychiatrists say that it is important not to place oneself in the field of ideas, but to ask whether promises have been kept. It is necessary to promote critical reflection, without being directive or denigrating the movement or the precepts in which the victim believes, so that there is no rupture.

What are your other priorities?

We continue to train our colleagues in the various State services to take sectarian aberrations into account. We plan to launch a victimization survey soon to better understand the extent of this phenomenon. And we need to educate the big digital platforms. The question of recommendation algorithms is crucial, but we still have a lot of educational work to do.

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