Politics: service or profession – El Comercio

by time news

2023-07-28 21:21:30

For some, politics is a service to the community. For others, politics is a profession to live from it with a good financial reward. How to distinguish politicians? If he is a person with a good education and an ethical background who wants to put his knowledge and experience at the service of society, for a short time, this is a good politician. But, if it is someone who seeks power through media manipulation with digital platforms of disinformation, populist offers, speeches to re-found the country, etc., we are facing a Machiavellian caudillo who seeks to perpetuate himself in power and live off politics.

When a caudillo comes to power, he deinstitutionalizes the state. He organizes the government with a group of stalwarts with perks and fears. He fires technicians from state agencies on the pretext of meritocracy.

In Ecuador, as of 2010, many bureaucratic positions with golden salaries were created in state agencies. This was imitated by the GADs, etc. In 2015 there were already more than 35,000 positions in the so-called higher hierarchical level. For a dynamic and ethical administration, only about 5,000 of these positions are required, occupied by people with free thinking, training and ethics.

In 2011, the president issued decree 813. This established the figure of mandatory voluntary resignation. The technicians, without prior notice, were notified that their game had been suppressed. Thus, the government put thousands of people in technical positions who had to become unconditional. The master strategy was not to give them permanent appointments but contracts for one year, renewable at the pleasure of the bosses. This allowed the government to organize the counter-marches. And, above all, build a group of 25% fanatics of society, and with that percentage dominate 100% of Ecuadorian society.

#Politics #service #profession #Comercio

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