The Knesset plenum approved the election of temporary deputies to the Knesset Speaker

by time news

The Knesset plenum convened today (Monday) to discuss a number of controversial bills, along with motions of no confidence in the government. The biggest drama of all is expected to be caused by the Electricity Law, which will go up for a second and third reading, as well as a plowing law that is also expected to be put to the vote. During the debate, the plenum approved by a majority of 90 supporters the law for the removal of mines and the election of temporary deputies for the Speaker of the Knesset. According to the decision, four coalition members will serve as temporary deputies: Soba from Yisrael Beiteinu.

As you may recall, the Electricity Act provoked much tension within the government even though it passed by a majority of 61 on first reading. He was transferred to a discussion in the Knesset’s Interior Committee headed by MK Walid Taha, which prepared him for a second and third reading, after the disputes between MK Taha and Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked were resolved.

According to the agreed wording, the Minister of the Interior may stipulate in an order that it will be possible to connect a residential building located in a certain area, defined in the order, to electricity, water or telephone, even without the existence of a building permit and certificate of completion for that building. The conditions for issuing the order, as set out, are: If a plan was submitted by one of the parties listed in the bill, the structure for which the connection was requested was erected by January 1, 2018 and no construction was added after that date.

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In addition, it was proposed to set a timetable for consultation with the district committee and for the decision of the Minister of the Interior, as well as to determine the conditions required of those seeking to connect these structures such as an undertaking to apply for a permit within the time limit set in the bill.

Debate between Itamar Ben Gvir and Walid Taha in the Interior Committee in the discussion of the Electricity Law Photo: (Private photo)

Final approval: Extension of the temporary order that allows further clearance of minefields

During the debate and by a surprising consensus, the Knesset plenum approved in second and third reading the bill to clear minefields. 90 MKs supported the proposal without opponents. According to the proposal, the temporary order regulating the evacuation of fallen areas will be extended by one year. It is also proposed to change the level that stipulates that an area with casualties will be designated for evacuation: for military territory, the authority will pass from the chief of staff to an officer with the rank of colonel appointed for this purpose, and for territory under the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense. That will allow temporary activity in a minefield or fall area.

The explanatory memorandum reads: “In recent years, the need has arisen on the part of various infrastructure companies to carry out temporary infrastructure works in minefields or fall areas; there has also been a need for additional civilian bodies to carry out additional temporary civilian activities in the closed area. , Israel Gas Routes Company, drainage authorities, local authorities and other private entities.

It is proposed to add to the Temporary Provision a clause authorizing the Authority to evacuate mined or falling area in a closed area or in part, at the request of an infrastructure company or other civilian entity, to allow temporary activity in the area without removing the closure order. The area will be used again by the defense establishment (as a training area, for example) after the end of the temporary activity. “

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Netanyahu against the Electricity Law: “Shame on you”

Opposition leader MK Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the Electricity Law, which will go up for a second and third reading, saying: “Last week the first Israeli-Palestinian government of Bennett and the Muslim Brotherhood approved the reunification of 10,000 Palestinians. “Electricity connection to tens of thousands of illegal buildings, without a building permit.”

“They are selling the Negev, the Galilee and the Triangle, to the Islamic movement. These illegal houses will also be trained and tens of thousands more will follow. In doing so, they are realizing a fundamental pillar of the Palestinian ‘right of return’ vision. Bennett, Saar, Lapid and Gantz – you know exactly what you are. “You are selling the country to the Islamic Movement for your political survival. Shame on you.”

Netanyahu against the Electricity Law

The coalition bill that MK Gadi Yabarkan managed to overthrow last week, after he hid in MK Yoav Kish’s car in the Knesset parking lot, will also be put to the vote. These are amendments to legislation to implement the economic policy for the 2017 budget year. The government has requested and received an exemption from the discount obligation so that it puts the issue back to a vote on first reading.

As you may recall, last Thursday, at the height of a white night in the Knesset, the opposition managed to overthrow one of the laws led by the coalition last week. MK Yabarkan hid in the back seat of MK Yoav Kish’s car in the Knesset parking lot, and just before the law went to a vote, he reached the plenum to participate.

The proposal that came up for a vote is amendments to legislation to implement the economic policy for the 2017 and 2018 budget years, and it fell in the draw of 48 MKs who supported it compared to 48 MKs who opposed it. After the loss, the coalition withdrew two laws and did not vote on them as planned for fear of further losses.


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