United Kingdom | The British Government evacuates migrants from the “floating jail” after detecting the legionella bacteria in the water

by time news

2023-08-11 15:56:32

He british government has evacuated this Friday to the 39 asylum seekers who had been transferred to the barge ‘Bibby Stockholm’ this week after the detection of legionella bacteria in water. A bacterium that usually lives in stagnant water and causes Lung diseasesas well as fever and congestion. The water analyzes were carried out shortly before the transfer of the first people to the barge, although the results were only known once they were installed. For now none of the 39 people have shown symptoms of contracting the disease.

The Ministry of the Interior has recognized that the legionella levels detected on the vessel have to be analyzed in more depth and that this has been the reason for the evacuation, although it has ruled out that it is a problem that affects the island of Portland, where the ship is docked. “The samples taken refer only to the ship’s own water system and therefore do not carry any direct indication of risk to the Portland community at large or pertain to fresh water entering the vessel. legionellosis It is not transmitted from person to person“, the ministry has informed through a statement. The Government claims to be working with the Health Security Agency (UKHSA) to eliminate the problem, in line with health protocols.

previous warnings

Las health authorities Locals had already warned shortly before the transfer of the first asylum seekers that the characteristics of the boat represent a increased risk of contracting diseases. Something that was ruled out by the Executive, which insists that the boat complies with all security guarantees, although this Friday’s eviction has meant a new setback for the plans of the Ministry of the Interior, which had planned to transfer more asylum seekers to the barge, with capacity for 506 men between the ages of 18 and 65.

The arrival of ‘Bibby Stockholm’ to the port of Portland has caused the direct rejection of local authorities and residents, who warn of the saturation of public services, despite the fact that the Government will provide compensation for £3,500 per occupant (more than 4,000 euros) to local administrations, in addition to a one-time payment of £377,000 (436,000 euros) to finance activities for refugees and English classes. Refugee aid organizations, for their part, have also positioned themselves against the barge, which they have described as “jail floating” and that they consider it welcomes asylum seekers in conditions “inhumane”.

The plans of the Government, however, they continue on. The objective is reduce the daily bill to accommodate more than 50,000 asylum seekers in hotels, for more than 6 million pounds a day (close to 7 million euros), hosting them on barges like the ‘Bibby Stockholm’ and in disused military bases.

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