Are young people more interested in health than adults?

by time news

2023-08-12 19:35:52

Relaxing and having a much calmer pace of life are considered key factors for Mexicans between the ages of 16 and 24.
Health has positioned itself as a priority among the youth of the current generation compared to older people.
International Youth Day is commemorated every August 12.

There are many concerns that young people have and health is one of the main ones. The new generations are increasingly aware of their own well-being and the problems that afflict the planet. At the same time, older people have lost interest in this type of highly relevant topic.

This is part of an investigation carried out by Allianz Partners. According to the work, it was identified that young Mexicans between the ages of 16 and 24 show a greater interest in various healthy practices and habits than the world average.

Results obtained

The analysis reveals that 57% of Mexican youth exercise regularly in contrast to 46% of the global average. In this sense, 42% of said population segment in Mexico expects to attend virtual training classes in the next twelve months, above 32% worldwide.

Regarding their diet, 28% of young people in the country worry about drinking alcohol in moderation for the benefit of their well-being, compared to 19% of young people in the world. Likewise, 31% avoid consuming processed foods vs. 28% globally.

In this regard, the use that new generations make of technology to monitor their health has increased in Mexico. In 2013, only 13% used a mobile device to count their calories. While by 2022 the figure went to 24%.

For their part, 45% of the youth in Mexico also yearn, thinking about their emotional and mental health, to lead a calmer pace of life than the current one. In this context, for 77% of this age group, relaxing is one of the most valued items to do during their free time.

All these figures result from an analysis that was carried out with the information provided by Foresight Factorya research company focused on studying market trends and consumer profiles that works in alliance with Allianz Partners.

the future of youth

To do this, a survey was conducted last March on approximately 800 Mexicans between the ages of 16 and 64. In addition, a global study was carried out with the participation of more than 30,000 people from countries such as Brazil, Canada, Korea, China, Spain, the United States, India, Poland, Russia, Singapore, among others.

According to the United Nations Organization (UN)it is expected that people under 30 years of age worldwide will represent 57% of the total population by the end of 2023. Therefore, according to Allianz Partners, it is essential to know their priorities, needs and concerns and, currently, it is identifies an increase in interest in taking care of their integral well-being.

In this scenario, the tools that support them in taking care of their health have great potential, such is the case of medical assistance and telemedicine. In fact, it is estimated that the telemedicine market will grow at a rate of over 20% per year.

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